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“Do you have a four wheeler?” Cade asks as he weaves inside past my legs.

“No,” I say. “And if I did, I wouldn’t let you drive it.”

“Uh,” Nolan says, leaning out into view with a cooking apron wrapped around himself. “Should I whip up something for the kids to have for dinner, too?”

“I’ll take a hamburger on the rocks,” Cade says. He snaps and shoots two finger guns at Nolan, who tilts his head.

“I like potatoes,” Meemee says. “But only squishy ones. I like lots of salt and lots of butter. When can we have a treat?” She tugs on my jeans, then realizes she probably has a better chance of getting something out of Andi.

Andi gets down on her level and takes Meemee’s little hands in hers. “Let’s eat your squishy potatoes first, then we can think about treats. Okay?”

I’m unable to help admiring how good she is with Meemee. She’s patient and kind and… it’s very admirable, but also completely not working. Meemee has taken her hands back, bunched them into fists, and big crocodile tears are forming under her eyes.

Cade is watching with folded arms and a smug smile. “Shouldn’ta told her ‘no’. Bad idea.”

“Squishy potatoes?” Nolan asks, oblivious to the meltdown about to happen. “I can manage that. What’s a hamburger on the rocks, though?”

“I was messing with you, dude,” Cade says, rolling his eyes.

“I want a treat,” Meemee says. Her voice is low and dangerously quiet.

Andi shows the first sign of panic. She looks up at me, then back at Meemee. She gives the little girl an uncertain smile. “Well, lots of butter and salt is kind of a treat, isn’t it? Think how yummy that will be.”

“I want chocolate.” Meemee takes a small step toward Andi.

“You know what?” I ask. “I was hoping you two would play hockey with the guys in the driveway while we wait for dinner. Would you like that? I could find Jake, Carter, Liam, and Maddox. You guys can pick whoever you want for your team, even Miss Andi, if you want. I’ll have to play cheerleader because I tore my rotator cuff.”

Meemee tilts her head at me, clearly confused.

“I uh, got a boo boo.”

Her mouth forms a small “O” of understanding.

“You mean we can play with NHL guys? Really?” Cade asks.

“Aren’t you excited to play with me?” Andi asks.

Cade eyes her. “If we win, will you give me your number?”

“Who are we playing?” Jake asks. He’s just coming in from the garage with Carter and Maddox. All three are sweaty like they were in there doing a workout.

Carter grins at the little kids. “Look, it’s like that Rugrats show. Except… not as cute.”

Maddox elbows him and bulges his eyes. “Dude, Carter. You can’t talk like that to kids. It’s super bad karma.” He steps forward and gets down on one knee in front of both kids. Meemee looks like she’s still not sure she wants to give up her tantrum-to-be over waiting on sweets. He clears his throat and speaks loud and slow like he’s talking to someone who barely speaks English. “You are both, really, really cute. And I mean that in a platonic, non creepy, socially acceptable adult way. Totally great kids.” He holds up a thumb and winks, then gets up.

“Uh, anyway,” Jake says. “What’s with the kids?”

“A favor for Mikey. I’ve known him for years,” I say. “And it’s one I was going to turn down until somebody jumped at the opportunity and invited them to the cabin.”

Andi does a little curtsey and smiles. “That was me. I’m the one who did that.”

Jake rolls his eyes. “So, what? We’re all babysitting now?”

“Yes,” I say. “And you’re all drafted to play hockey in the driveway. Anybody who refuses is welcome to stay here with little Meemee and try to explain why she can’t have a treat before Nolan finishes her dinner, which is probably going to be like half an hour.”

I wait, eyebrows raised. All the guys take a moment to eye Meemee and seem to come to the same conclusion I’ve come to.

Hockey it is. In a shock to nobody at all, Mia stays back and hangs with Nolan while he’s cooking. If I wasn’t so wrapped up in my own shit, I know I’d be trying to figure out what was going on with those two. Problems for another day, I guess.
