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I’d been excited all day, too. Sure, part of me was freaking out about it, but I was excited.

And then I notice the big shape on the couch beside my bed. In a split second, my heart is in my throat.

“Holy fucking shit! AHH!” I scream, reach for a pillow, and sling it toward the intruder with all the power of a sleepy toddler. It misses by several feet and the figure on the couch rises up like a vampire in a coffin.

I try to scream again, but only a whispery, pitiful squeak leaves my throat. I’m pointing, scooting back on the bed, painfully aware that I can’t run because I’m crippled. This is how I die. Dead in somebody else’s guesthouse. Dead before I ever got a chance to get laid by a dreamy NHL player. It would almost be funny if it wasn’t so tragic.

“Andi,” the voice says. It’s deep and familiar. “Calm down. You’re going to wake everyone up.”

I frown, leaning forward in the darkness. “Jesse?”

He rubs the back of his head. “Yeah. Sorry. I didn’t mean to scare you. I was sleeping in my bed and then I started imagining you waking up in the middle of the night to pee or something. I wasn’t sure if you’d be able to make it to the bathroom on your own. And I didn’t want to wake you… so I was just waiting here. But shit–” he chuckles a little. “I can’t seem to stop scaring you to death today.”

“It’s past midnight,” I say. “So now you scared me yesterday and today.”

“Right. Well, um, did you need help getting to the bathroom or something?”

“Are you going to help me get my pants down if I do, Jesse? Was that your plan?”

“Uh,” he says. He’s kind of adorable when he’s uncomfortable. I probably shouldn’t put him through it so often, but I can’t help enjoying the sight of him sweating. “I hadn’t really thought through the logistics. I just didn’t want you to be alone out here.”

“Okay,” I say. “I don’t need to pee, though.”


There’s a long pause.

“But I am pretty cold.” I’m also a liar. Jesse must’ve cranked up the heat because I’m definitely not cold. “And that couch is too small for you.”

Another long pause.

“You want me to come in your bed?”

I shrug, then realize he can’t see me in the dark. “If you want to.”

I laugh at the sound of sudden movement. In less than two seconds, Jesse has moved from the couch to the bed beside me. I can see the faint shape of his smile in the darkness.

“Okay, then,” I say.

“Andi?” he asks.


“I need to at least touch you. We don’t need to… but at least let me help you.”

“Help me?” I tilt my head, not sure what he means. “You have been helping me all night.”

“No,” he says, voice darker and deadly serious. I feel his fingertips on my stomach. They inch downward, stopping at the waistband of my jeans. “Let me help you.”

My lips curve up in a smile. “Who says I need help down there?”

I see his tongue slide across his lips, smooth as velvet. “Because I think you’re already soaking wet for me. Want to make a bet?”

I bite my lip. God, he is dirty, and I kind of love it. “Um. I was told I don’t have the impulse control or foresight to bet.”

His breath is hot on my neck. “Tell me you’re not already wet. Tell me you haven’t wanted to cum for me all day. Say the words, and I’ll go to sleep. I’ll leave you alone.”

“I was also told I shouldn’t tell lies,” I whisper.
