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“Can I have that back, Sweetie?” Nolan asks.

Amelia gives it a few good more shakes, just to be safe. Then she sticks it up towards him and grunts. “Uh, uh!” she shouts.

He takes the box, turns his attention back to me, and clears his throat. “Mia, will you marry me?”

“Can I say ‘yes’ now?”

He nods.

“Yes.” My voice is thick and I have to swallow back a ball of emotion as I watch him slide the ring on my finger.

Maddox breaks the silence with a celebratory whoop as Nolan stands and kisses me. The guys give us about four seconds before Nolan is getting pulled away from me and the guys are all ripping their shirts off in solidarity.

Like animals, they start celebrating. They’re chanting “Mar-ried. Mar-ried. Mar-ried,” as they push Nolan back up on the coffee table. He’s pumping his fists and they’re jumping and shoving at him. Even Jake and Liam have come in from outside to join in the chaos. Amelia doesn’t know what’s going on, but she is trying to get her shirt off. Maddox scoops her up in one arm and carefully parades her around the swarm of huge hockey men. The little girl screams at the top of her lungs, eyes bulging. She looks like she’s having a blast.

I smile and take it all in. I lift my hand and look at the ring in stunned disbelief.

Engaged. I just got engaged.

I’m engaged to the man I thought got away for good, I’m the chef at one of the most exciting new fine dining restaurants in the country. It feels like some the sort of dream I’ve woken from on sleepy mornings and tried desperately to fall back into. Except this is all real, even if I can hardly believe it.

“Get up here,” Nolan says, reaching for me.

I smile as I’m gently prodded and pushed toward the table. Nolan takes my hand, pulls me up to join him, then wraps his arms around me and kisses me.

The End
