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The contract, which was set on the table in front of me, was a basic one with safe words, information about different types of sex, punishments, and a blank piece of paper for some adjustments. But exclusive?

I was in it once, more than ten years ago, and at the beginning, it was great and fun. However, when serious problems occurred, everything went sour. My submissive had been a bratty, stubborn one, and she’d demanded all of my attention. Yet, I couldn’t give it to her. I’d just started my own company. I’d been working twenty hours a day, and then I’d come home, absolutely exhausted, without a bit of strength left in my body to play with her. She couldn’t take my lack of interest, and she’d decided to end our agreement. Since then, I haven’t had a permanent woman in my life. I’d mostly found a girl for a night willing to experience something new, and that was it.

Yet, six months ago, I decided to change my life because I wanted Electra to be a part of it. But not as my exclusive girl. I couldn’t ask her to do that. She was new to all of this. She didn’t have a clue what an anal hook was, for God's sake! And she claimed she wanted to be permanently bound by a sub/Dom contract.

Crazy woman.

Still, something in me was actually excited about the thought of having her. I could own her, not only in my bedroom during the scenes, but I could make her mine completely. She was a blank piece of paper, untouched by this lifestyle, without any brutal trauma from previous relationships. I had a chance to form her into my dream girl, to train her to be my perfect queen. Fuck! It was very tempting.

I watched her as she made notes on the paper about the stuff I’d told her. She was a smart and hard-working woman. She wasn’t some stupid pretty face who had fucked her professors to get better grades. She hadn’t warmed my father’s bed to get her job. She was willing to learn, and her dedication to the tasks I’d given her at work was incredible. She had done everything I’d asked her to do in the best way possible. No matter how stupid my commands had been, she had obeyed them.

How could I resist such compliance?

"We can continue with soft and hard limits," Electra said, raising her head to look at me, and I nodded, turning the page. "But I don’t have experience with most of it," she added, and I leaned into my chair. I didn’t need to see the words to know what was written there.

"With which do you have experience?" I asked, playing with my pen. Surprisingly, I wasn’t annoyed that the negotiations had taken much more time than I’d expected. In my mind, I was arguing with myself about the decision she wanted me to make. And I was glad she didn’t try to speed things up. She was patient and understanding, which was a great contrast to my hot-headed personality.

"Well." She took a breath, and her cheeks turned a pretty shade of pink. She was embarrassed. "I have experience with oral sex," she started, and a small smile appeared on her face. "I was blindfolded once, tied up once, and I had anal sex once."

"That’s all?" I raised my eyebrows in surprise. After two punishments and two rewards, I could safely say that she wasn’t a missionary type of girl.

"Yes." She nodded slightly. "My past relationships were with normal men." She shrugged, and I chuckled. "You know what I mean." She smiled, leaning into her seat. "The sex was good. It just wasn’t anything special."

"So, you want to try this type of relationship because you’re curious?" I inquired, studying her pretty face as she frowned.

"Yes," she agreed, and she winked at me when I narrowed my eyes at her. "But also, there is so much more in it." She gave me a small smile, and her eyes drifted to the contract on the table. "It’s difficult to describe how I felt during the punishments." She put her hands in her lap, playing with her fingers. “Basically, I was excited and scared at the same time. But you made the fear disappear, and I felt safe despite being disciplined."

She returned her gaze to my face, stopping for a second longer on my lips. "I’d never felt so wanted than when you rewarded me with your attention. You made it perfectly clear that I was your only interest." She was talking about my behaviour toward her during our play as if it was something special, but I was only myself. “You cared about me, you were proud of me, and you cherished me. That’s why I want to try it, Mr Thorn. Because I want to feel that way again. In exchange, I’m offering you myself."

I couldn’t help but smile at her words. She was so cute, describing her feelings and reasons why she wanted us to continue. And I couldn’t imagine a better woman to give it a try with if I ever desired to do it.

However, for me, it was complicated. Just the thought of sharing my life with her made me nervous. I’d been on my own for too long, and my sadistic, occasionally insane nature could also be a major problem. I didn’t know how to open up with someone. I could be honest with her, but if my harsh words hurt her, what would she do? Or if my demands, rules, and orders put her under pressure, what would happen between us, then?

I was a crazy control freak. My rules were the law in my world. Everyone who knew me could confirm that I was a demanding, hot-tempered, and arrogant bastard. Spending too much time with me could be overwhelming. I wasn’t sure that Electra, as adorable and lovely as she was, could survive a whole week under my strict hand as my twenty-four-seven submissive.

"Will you say something, sir?" Electra asked, cautiously watching me.

"Something," I answered, and she giggled. At least I was able to make her smile. Still, it wasn’t enough for me. She was talking about some of her experiences, while I thought about whether I was capable of taking care of her in everyday life.

I had money and power. Basically, she would live like a queen. However, emotionally, I was a fucked-up mess. I was calmer around her; I could control myself better when my mind drifted to her and her radiant smile. But my anger episodes hadn’t vanished. She could still end up in the crossfire. Hurting her was the last thing I ever wanted to do.

"Do you have any hard limits, sir?" Electra’s soft voice returned me from my trip to my past, and I looked her in the eyes. Her beautiful hazel orbs glowed with excitement as she smiled at me.

"I’m not into electro and fireplay," I replied, and she exhaled. "Also, fisting isn’t really my thing," I continued, and she visibly relaxed.

"What about needles?" she asked, scratching the options in her contract, and I did the same.

"That’s up to you. I’m more into nipple clamps and clothespins."

Somehow, the talk about the agreement put some ground under my feet. My main problem with Electra was that I didn’t know her very well. However, I'd been attached to her since the first time I saw her. I just couldn’t help myself.

That’s why I was so confused about my answer. I wanted her badly. But I was also scared of disappointing her, of crushing her hopes, because some things I truly couldn’t give her. I was a confident bastard. I knew that there wouldn’t be a problem with our sex life. What I was worried about was the emotional part. Fuck! I really didn’t know what to do.

"Fine, I’m willing to try bondage, wax play, butt plugs, and other stuff," she stated with a grin. “I’m not sure about choking." She wrinkled her nose, giving me an insecure look. "And I’m not okay with scars. Bruises on the places that could be covered with clothes are okay.”

She put down the pen, looking expectantly at me, and I couldn’t help but smile. She was so cute and enthusiastic about the whole thing.

"What about anal sex?" I inquired. "You’ve said you only had it once."
