Page 48 of Undone

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A few whole days together, just me and King. Free from the stigma of our names, our personal reputations, the stupid family feud that’s kept Montgomerys and Capellis separate for generations.

Just the two of us, out in the big, wide, judgment-free world.



King puts me into my car and sees me off with a long, sweet kiss, promising he’ll call me later tonight. I drive all the way back to Seaglass Beach with my head in the clouds, barely registering time, distance, or the song playing on the radio.

I’m still in love with King Montgomery.

Even though deep down I knew it, the words hit me smack-dab in the chest. A perfect bull’s-eye, straight to the center of my pounding heart.

I never stopped loving him, no matter how hard I tried.

Turns out, slipping back into loving him was way easier than trying to get over him.

Like we were meant to be.

Whistling, I make a sharp right into the apartment complex, then park my car and grab my stuff from the passenger seat.

“Where ya been, little sis?”

Cash’s nasally voice sends a cold shiver of fear racing down my spine. I take a quick sip of air and prepare to lie through my teeth.

Spinning around to face him, I press my lips into a tight line, arching one brow.

“None of your damn business, Cash.” I fold my arms, standing up as tall and straight as possible. Tough when he towers over me, but worth a shot.

He lumbers forward, closing the gap between us in two long strides, the stench of motor oil and stale cigarettes clinging to his black T-shirt.

“Course it’s my business. You’re my baby sister. I’ve got to watch out for you, especially now that Jags is in jail. So ...” He stretches his arm over my shoulder and leans against the side of my SUV, effectively boxing me in. “Where’ve ya been? I’ve been waiting out here for at least an hour. And I know you weren’t at work, because the Tipsy’s not even open yet.”

Wheels spin frantically in my head, but my mind is totally and completely blank. Not one plausible-sounding lie pops up.


Cash huffs a disbelieving breath, an acrid puff of air blowing my hair over my shoulder.

“Do I need to bring in reinforcements to get the truth out of you?”

“What—you don’t think you can do the job?” I jut my chin out, goading him.

Big mistake.

In one quick move, he’s gripping my shoulders so tight my muscles crunch beneath his fingers. Pain radiates down both my arms, and a cold clutch of fear claws at my chest.

“Don’t be such a bitch, Juliet. Tell me where you were. Were you out fucking around last night? Who’s the not-so-lucky guy?”

His eyes bore into me, hard and beady, his upper lip curling into a sneer. It’s still morning, yet the distinct scent of cheap beer hits my nostrils, making my eyes water.

“Get your fucking hands off me right the fuck now, Cash.” I spit the words out, but he doubles down, squeezing harder.

“I’ll let go when you tell me who you were with.” He digs his thumbs into my shoulder sockets, and I yelp in pain.

“No one, you son of a bitch. Get the fuck off me.” I kick at his feet, knocking him off center, and he stumbles, releasing his grip.

“You’re such a fucking cunt. I can’t believe we’re related.”

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