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I groaned. She always knew how to hit me where it hurt most. “Fine. You win. Be nice, I got it. Now, tell me where they went so I can go and be my delightful real self so she will want to stay.”

Kiera shook her head in mirth. “Goddess have mercy on that poor sweet girl.”

“Sweet?” I scoffed. “You didn’t hear all the very not so sweet things in her head. Trust me, she is tougher than she looks.”

“She needs to be; she’s got to keep you in check for the rest of her days.”

I swallowed. I always knew our bond would be forever, but hearing those words reminded me that together, our forever could be a very long time. It’d been centuries since the majority of flyers and their ryders had lived anything close to their potential life spans. The Hundred Years War was centuries ago, but in reality, one conflict had bled into another since then, and peace had been a distant dream. Meaning most flyers’ lives were cut short in service to the kingdoms. It was the nature of war.

In peacetime, bonded ryders and flyers could live for many hundreds of years, rather than the normal fae lifespan of around a century. Now I had found her, the thought of our potential future together just raised the stakes.

“Where did you go?” Kiera nudged.

I blinked. “Sorry. Just thinking.”

“Well, do yourself a favor and put some of that thought into how you can win Zaria over. She’s alone and must be terrified. If it wasn’t for your brother, she would have had no one to lean on.”

I nodded. “I’ll try. Where did they go?”

“I think he was going to show her to her new rooms and get her set up with some clothing and whatever else she needs. She has nothing, remember?”

“Shit,” I grumbled. “I should be buying her things.” She was my responsibility, but even setting that aside, I wanted to provide for her. I’d longed for this chance all my life, yet my brother was stepping up because he thought I wouldn’t.

“Indeed. Maybe it should have been you settling her in and providing what she needs to feel welcome and safe. Thank the Goddess for Kol, I guess.”

“I guess,” I grumbled before heading for the door.

“Oh, and Nyx? Kol told me to tell you he’s putting all of it on your credit account. He looked like he was feeling generous, so I hope you’re good for it.”

The small satisfaction that he was at least letting me pay for what Sol needed helped ease my guilt for thinking about myself first his morning and going to Octavian rather than Zaria.

I left the healer’s wing in a hurry after that. I could have asked Kol through our bond where they were, but I didn’t want him to give me shit for not being the one to do that stuff. So, I went out looking for them where I thought they would be. I finally caught sight of them in the market square, heading for the tailor’s quarter, and I followed at a distance. For a fucking hour!

They seemed to be having a great time, and there I was, skulking in the shadows, silently fuming. I felt her laughter in all the wrong places when they stepped out of yet another store. My brother was doing his best all-around great guy act to keep her smiling, and it got to me. How could he be that way with her so easily when all I felt was frustration?

She was pointing at something in the window of a shop, and Kol tilted his head, suggesting she go in silently, as if they had been friends for so long they could communicate through body language alone. He stayed outside, obviously tired of all the shopping.

“What the fuck was that?” I asked, jumping into his mind now he was finally alone.

“Hmm?” Kol asked, playing ignorant.

“You know what you’re doing.”

“I can’t imagine what you mean. Obviously, this arsehole bit you’re doing isn’t working well for you, and I’m just compensating. But if you really wanted me to play a specific part, you would needed to have told me before I talked to her.” He turned in a slow circle, trying to spot my vantage point.

“I’ve been behind you two for a fucking hour. Great monitoring skills.”

“I’m not her bodyguard.”

“Then, why are you out with her?” What was his damn angle?

“I’m helping your ryder settle in after her traumatic experience. Would you prefer for her to hate this place more by being totally isolated from her peers?” He finally found my hiding place perched on the edge of one of the palace walls. “You creepy bastard. Don’t you have anything better to do than sit and watch us? Some paperwork to get to or maybe training to arrange now that you have a ryder?”

It was a low blow, but I wasn’t taking his bait. “You seem to be doing what’s necessary, getting her set up with everything she needs. I’m shocked you haven’t arranged her training schedule, too.”

“And?” Kol asked, smiling at Zaria as she exited the shop. He let me listen when I half expected him to close me out as punishment.

“They have some nice things,” Zaria replied. “But really, you got me more than enough already.”

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