Page 9 of Relentless Pursuit

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She pursed her lips. “Yeah, sure. No, I haven’t told them as much detail. They know we’ve had sex because of our conversation at the table the other day. And…” she frowned, “…aren’t you supposed to be home? How was the funeral? I mean, besides super-sad. Are you okay?”

“I’m fine.” I thought back to my parents and the news reports about their escape.

“I saw the news.”

I sighed. “Yeah. It appears everyone did. I keep getting looks from people who know they are my parents.”

“Everybody knows because, you know…that’s how you’re popular.”

“Thanks for the reminder.”

“Sorry. I know you feel a way about their reputation, but I wouldn’t worry about it. You’ve got badass parents. It’s kinda hot.”

“I’m starting to think you think everything is hot.”

She shook her head. “No. Just your badass parents and Timothy.”

I laughed, and so did she. We were a few feet away from her class when she released my arm and drew me in for a hug. I squeezed her tight, and we parted.

“Are you going to tell me about the guy you’re sexing?”

I smirked. “It’s a complicated love story, unfortunately. Not as delightful as yours.”

“Love story?” Her eyes widened, and I blushed. “I didn’t know you were in love.”

“Eh…” I sighed. “I wouldn’t say that per se, but I don’t know. I could be completely wrong and just in strong lust.”

She giggled. “I want you to sit a little with your thoughts. You’ll know if it’s really love. Besides, it’s what came out of your mouth.”

I nodded. “You’re right.”

“I know I am. And if it’s love, I want to be the first person to know, or I will feel a way.”

I laughed. “I promise.”

“When we get more time, we’re diving deeper into this. We should meet up for dinner or pre-dinner.”

I smirked. “Pre-dinner?”

“You know, that time between lunch and dinner.”

“Or we could just do lunch.”

“I want us to relax and divulge. Lunch means we’re on a time clock because we’ll have more classes and won’t be alone.”

“Ah. You’re trying to avoid telling Emma and Sofia.”

“I’ll tell them eventually, but I’m cool with just you and me for right now. We are the ones falling in love, anyway.”

I nodded. “Okay, so pre-dinner it is.”

She nodded and hugged me again. “I can’t wait!”

I turned and walked away, laughing. I’d kept Dominic to myself, but I had to admit it would be nice talking to someone I could trust about the wild emotions I experienced daily with him.

Still, it was risky to reveal his identity. I thought of it on my way to class, took an alternate route, and slowed as I approached his closed office door.

