Page 30 of Cozy After Snow

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“Asa, aren’t you going to say hello to Isley and Langford?” Evelyn asks him.

“Where’s my briefcase?” he asks.

“We didn’t bring your briefcase,” she tells him.

“Yes, we did. I just had it.”

Ezra moves to his side. “Mr. Paysour, it’s my fault. I forgot it.”

Asa frowns. “But I’ll need it for my meeting.”

“Don’t you worry. I’ll send for it in time for your meeting,” Ezra says.

“Oh, okay, then,” Asa mumbles.

Ezra guides his attention to us. “Look who’s here. Do you know these guys?” Ezra asks him.

“Isley!” Asa bellows and opens his arms wide.

She steps into them.

He hugs her a moment and then releases her and looks down between them.

“Isley, you’re going to have a baby,” he says in wonder.

“I sure am. A girl,” Isley chokes out.

“A girl. Did you hear that, Evelyn? A granddaughter. Isn’t that wonderful?”


Asa places his hand on her bump and stares at it with tear-filled eyes. Then, he looks up at her. “You’re gonna be a great mother.”

“You think so, Daddy?”

“I know so.”

She hugs him again, and then he looks over her shoulder to me.

“We gonna stand out in the cold all night, or are you gonna invite us in?”

I chuckle. “Follow me, sir.”

Pop and Ezra unload the bags from the back of the truck and follow us to the door.

I open and hold it for them to enter, and as Isley slides by me, I whisper in her ear, “I’m getting a rain check on that sexy time by the Christmas tree, right?”

She grins up at me. “Oh, yeah. Definitely.”

Thank God.


Ezra and I get my parents settled into the guest room while Langford walks his father outside.

“Asa, do you have everything you need?” Ezra asks as Daddy climbs into bed.

“My reading glasses?”
