Page 103 of Marry Me Forever

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Chapter Thirty


Me: I can’t wait to have you in my arms again tonight. It’s been too fucking long.

Katie: I hope more than just in your arms.

Me: I still have that blindfold, and I promised to use it.

Katie: Mm, yes, please. That’s what I want after the wedding.

Me: While I’m happy West made all his brothers groomsmen, it means more time apart since you’re a bridesmaid.

Katie: We’ll see each other during picture time.

Me: But I can’t muss your hair, or risk kissing you because of smearing your makeup. Maybe we can sneak off and I can make you come with my mouth, if I can think of a way not to wrinkle your dress.

Katie: I wish. But just looking at this dress makes it wrinkle.

Me: Just think of all the ways I’ll wrinkle it later.

Katie: Meanie.

Me: You know you love it.

Katie: Maybe. But it’s time to help Emmy. I’ll see you as soon as possible.

After my trip with Katie to Mexico, my life became hectic.

First, I had a high-profile benefit coming up for my charity. But since it wasn’t public knowledge that it was mine, there were a lot of hoops to jump through to get everything planned and the word out.

Then there were some screen tests as producers tried to find the perfect woman to play opposite me in an upcoming role.

If that wasn’t enough, I had some production meetings for my company that I couldn’t put off. I was on the cusp of signing a deal and had to schmooze and dazzle when needed.

All of that meant I didn’t have time to visit Katie in Starry Hills. And every day that passed without seeing her was like a stab to my heart.

Oh, we texted and talked on the phone. But it wasn’t the same as having her in my arms or in bed or underneath me.

The constantly busy schedule I’d once embraced now felt more and more like a prison of my own making.

But I had a plan for that. One that I couldn’t really focus on until after West’s wedding and my charity’s benefit party. Then I’d make Katie my top priority.

Just thinking of having her back in L.A. and chasing her on the beach instantly lifted my mood. And considering it was West’s wedding day, I needed to be supportive. Emmy was good for him, and she didn’t deserve me being grumpy.

I finished getting ready and went to find my brother. Or brothers, since all of them were inside West’s bedroom.

I waved. “I didn’t realize I was late.”

Zach shook his head. “You aren’t. But some of us don’t get distracted sexting with our girlfriends and got here early.”

He waggled his brows, and I smirked. “Sounds like someone is jealous.”

Zach dramatically placed a hand on his chest. “Moi? Never. I can play the field, and you can’t.”

Zane snorted. “The field? Ever since I got back, you have yet to get a woman into bed.”

Zach narrowed his eyes. “Yes, let’s share that with the whole fucking world.”
