Page 120 of Marry Me Forever

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Scanning the room, I took stock again of what I had. If I were at full strength, I could probably break the door down. But that was hours away. Provided they didn’t try to drug me again.

No, I had to use what was available now.

After sliding to the floor, I looked under the bed. Nothing.

Then I took a closer look at the floor lamp. It was a cheaper one, the type that you had to screw together to finish. After testing the base, I took apart the lamp, until I had the base and lifted it.

Yes. It was heavy and should be solid enough to help me break the window. Then, if I was loud enough, it might get someone to open the door and I could hit them with it too.

I stood, and even in my slightly weakened state, I could easily heft the base and walk to the window. I could see a small yard and a fence. There were other homes beyond it, too.

And being Southern California, it was one of the 1960s neighborhoods with mostly one-story homes. Which would be easier to escape.

Taking a deep breath, I stood to the side of the window, swung the base at it, and turned my head and closed my eyes. It shattered—clearly it was the same age as the house and not double-paned—and I opened my eyes again.

Yep, the window was mostly gone. Maybe if someone didn’t come check on me and I regained enough strength, I could test the bars. If they were loose at all, I might be able to knock them out. Or, I could take apart the bed frame and use a metal side to pry it off.

However, when I heard the door lock turn, I rushed right behind it, out of sight.

It opened, and a man said, “What the fuck is going on here?”

I didn’t recognize him. Regardless, I swung at his head—but not too hard, because I didn’t want to kill him—and made contact. He dropped like a stone.

Thank you anal former director for making me learn how hard to swing for unconsciousness instead of death. I’d have to send him a gift later, or something.

But for now, I searched the guy and found a wallet, cell phone, and some keys. Since it would take too much time to search for something to tie him up, I merely shut the door and locked it.

With adrenaline pumping in my veins, my tiredness was forgotten, and I searched the small house. However, no one else was inside.

Maybe later I’d be insulted that whoever had orchestrated this plot thought one guard was enough. But for now, I tried the cell phone I’d found. And with the security code being 1234, I quickly pulled up a map.

I was in Orange County, south of L.A. After memorizing the address, I called Jenn. Even though I wanted to call Katie first, Jenn would be able to get me picked up and ask Tina what to do about the whole kidnapping thing.

Because I wasn’t taking any chances that they’d go after Katie next.

If they didn’t have her already.

She picked up on the second ring. “Where the fuck have you been? Do you know the hell Katie and the rest of us have been through?”

“Katie’s all right?”

“Yes. What the hell happened to you?”

At least Katie’s safe. I explained what I could remember and then recited my current address before continuing, “I need someone to pick me up and for you to talk to Tina about the guy currently locked in a room. I wasn’t sure if we should involve the cops or not.”

“Hmm. I’m still mad at you, but I’ll get it all done. Can you hang tight, or do you think it’s wiser to move?”

“I’m going to walk around the neighborhood and remain in public, just in case someone else returns here. I doubt they’ll drag me down the street by force. However, I’ll stay nearby. Have the driver call this number.” I paused and then blurted, “How is Katie?”

“That is a conversation we should have in person. And don’t worry, I’ll assign a few of your private security guards to watch her from afar. For the moment, let’s concentrate on getting your ass back home and putting Tina’s favorite P.I. on the case. We’ll keep the cops out of it for now, unless Tina says otherwise.”

After clearing up a few more details, Jenn hung up, and I went out the front door.

While I wanted to check online to see just how big the damage was—to better know what Katie was facing—I had to keep an eye out for any other threats.

Luckily, no strange van pulled up and whisked me away. By the time my usual driver called and I got into the backseat, the adrenaline had faded and exhaustion set in.

But I didn’t let myself fall asleep. While, yes, me not being a prisoner any longer was good, until I held Katie close and told her I loved her, I wouldn’t be able to relax.
