Page 121 of Marry Me Forever

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And given everything that I already knew about the night before, I wasn’t sure if Katie was going to run into my arms anytime soon.

However, I didn’t care. I would do whatever it took to win her back.

And I would also find a way to destroy Wendy Webster once and for all.

Chapter Thirty-Five


The next morning, I shut off my phone. It kept beeping with notifications, and when I’d first opened it, I’d accidentally tapped one and it brought me to a post where Amber defended me against Wendy. The comments were a mixture of support and full-on hatred. But, of course, it was the negative ones about me that I still remembered:

She’s always been out of control. She’s probably a danger to us all.

I knew there was something about her. If she enters The Watering Hole again, I’m leaving before she hits me too.

Of course, Nolan never wanted to marry her. I mean, Fat Kat? She was probably just after his money.

Definitely a gold digger. Nolan must’ve been desperate to ask for her help.

Once my phone was off, all I wanted to do was to crawl into my bed back home and hide from the world.

Abby and Rafe arranged it all—Rafe even insisted on renting a private jet—and we were on our way early in the morning.

At some point, Abby received word that Nolan was safe and wanted to talk to me. While I mentally breathed a sigh of relief that he was okay, I wasn’t ready to talk. Abby made excuses for me, bless her.

Before lunchtime, Abby pulled up to my parents’ house and turned to me to say, “I wrote down all of our numbers. Seriously, call me or just show up anytime. Any of us—me, Emmy, or Amber—will come at the drop of a hat. Are you sure you don’t want me to stay?”

My throat tightened, and if I hadn’t cried most of the night and morning, I probably would’ve started again. “No, I really just need some time at home and to get back into a routine. But thanks for everything, Abby.”

She reached out and hugged me. “Anytime, Katie.” She leaned back. “And as soon as I hear from Nolan again, I’ll let you know.”

I shrugged, too tired and emotionally exhausted to do anything else. “Whatever. I’ll see you later.”

Ignoring her look of concern, I stood and walked to the door. It opened before I could grab the handle, revealing Cassie and Sam.

Cassie asked, “Are you okay, Katie? You never replied to our calls or texts. We’ve been so worried.”

“I know, but…”

As if sensing I didn’t want to talk about it all just yet—they had to know what had happened with Wendy—Cassie hugged me and then Sam did too.

Sam said, “Come on. It’s time for coffee, cookies, and to lock ourselves in your room until you tell us everything.”

I tried to smile, but failed.

Cassie pushed against my back. “Come on. We’re not taking no for an answer.”

I could’ve fought them, but right now, cookies with my sisters sounded perfect.

Once they fetched the coffee and cookies—and some chocolate too—we all sat on my bed.

Cassie said, “No matter what, we’re on your side, Katie.”

Sam nodded. “That witch always looked too smug and fake to me anyway. She deserved what she got.”

Sighing, I shook my head. “You’re in the minority. I barely looked online, but I saw enough before I disabled all my accounts and shut off my phone.”

Cassie paused and then finally asked softly, “And what she said about you and Nolan? Was it really all a sham engagement?”
