Page 128 of Marry Me Forever

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When he finished, I blurted, “Why aren’t they both in jail yet?”

“I’m working on it, I promise. Tina wants an airtight case and to do some digging without Wendy catching on. But none of that matters right now. I would’ve been there for you, Katie, if I could’ve been. I promise you. And the fact I wasn’t? It kills me.”

I couldn’t get my head wrapped around everything. And yet, I liked to think I knew Nolan well enough to know he told the truth.

Even so, that didn’t change anything. Maybe if Wendy went to jail, she couldn’t hurt my family. However, it wasn’t a guarantee.

Nolan moved to take my hand, and I inched it away. Hurt flashed across his face, and the knife in my heart twisted a little more.

He asked softly, “So you can’t forgive me, then?”

I should say no, I couldn’t. That would make everything easier.

And yet, I didn’t want to lie to Nolan. Not about this. “It’s not that. I just…can’t do this, Nolan.”


Such a simple question, and yet the answer was so damn complicated.

He continued, “Is it because of my fame and the attention? If so, there’s something I haven’t told anyone, not even you, because I needed to sign a few things first.”

My curiosity got the better of me. “What is it?”

“Well, after this last movie role, I plan to wind things down and focus primarily on my production company.”

I frowned. “Why? I thought you loved acting.”

He shrugged. “It was an escape, one I needed for a very long time. But it was just another form of running away from my past and pain, no different than West leaving town or Zane joining the Navy.” He searched my gaze and said softly, “But I don’t need to run any longer, baby. And a big part of the reason why is because of you.”

I melted a little. “Oh, Nolan.”

“It’s true—without you, I’m not sure I would’ve tried to talk and mend things with my family. Oh, I’m far from done. But it’s a start. And that’s just the beginning—you see me, accept me, and I hope, even care for me. Not because I’m famous or rich. No, you like plain old Nolan Wolfe, the shy guy who is often the nice one. And you’ve taught me that being the nice guy isn’t a negative, either.” He leaned forward. “I love you, Katie Evans. With my whole heart. I was drifting before I met you, trying to figure out where I belonged. But now I know—it’s with you. You’re my person, my place, my home. I know asking for your forgiveness is a lot, and it might take some time, but tell me you’ll at least give us one more chance? That you’ll let me show how fucking good we are together?”

A tear rolled down my cheek—one of happiness—and I wiped it away. I wanted to scream yes, of course I’d give him another chance.

And yet, I couldn’t. Not as long as Wendy was a threat to my family.

Shaking my head, I fumbled for the door handle. Once I found it, I opened the door and whispered, “I wish I could, but I can’t, Nolan. I’m so sorry.”

And with that, I dashed out of the car, back into the bar, and into the women’s restroom. Inside the stall, I put my head in my hands and cried.

Cried for the man I loved but couldn’t have.

Cried for the future I’d always wanted but could never have.

Cried for the pain I knew I’d cause him when I loved him, too.

Soon, Abby’s voice filled the space. “Katie? What’s wrong? Why are you crying? Did Nolan botch things?”

After a few deep breaths, I calmed down enough to open the stall door and walk out. “No. He was rather wonderful.”

“Then why the hell are you crying?”

I shook my head. “If I tell you, if I tell anybody, it could hurt my family.”

She searched my gaze for a few seconds. Then she took out her cell phone, shut it down, removed the battery, and put a hand on her hip. “See? There’s no way this will get out to anyone. So, spill. You know I can keep your secret.”

As I searched Abby’s green-eyed gaze, I wavered. She could keep secrets. And even if she wanted to, she wouldn’t confront Wendy if I asked her not to.

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