Page 129 of Marry Me Forever

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I also remembered all the years I’d kept being bullied a secret and how miserable I’d been. This would be a million times worse.

I sighed. “This can’t get out to anyone, Abby. I mean it.”

“Cross my heart and hope to die, it won’t.”

So I explained Wendy’s threats. By the end, Abby was cursing up a storm. When she finally calmed down—I sometimes thought she had the worst temper of all the Wolfe siblings—she said, “We’re going to find a way to solve this, Katie. You and my brother make each other happy. Well, when that cow isn’t interfering. There has to be a way for you to get your happy ending.”

“I wish there was. But she’s a millionaire many times over, with powerful connections. How can we compete with that?”

“There has to be a way. We should tell Amber and Emmy, too.”

“But will Emmy keep it from West?”

Abby waved a hand in dismissal. “She will, if revealing it will end up hurting you. She’s kept plenty of secrets of mine.”

Normally, after that hint drop, I’d prod for more information. But a flicker of hope had lit in my chest, and it made me overly optimistic. “Well, just us four, and no one else. Most especially not my sisters.”

“Whatever you say. We’ll think of something.” Abby nodded. “We have to. I can’t stand seeing my best friend and my brother so unhappy.”

“Thanks, Abby. But if we’re going to scheme, we need to do it somewhere private.”

“Emmy’s barn should work. Come on. Let’s round up the troops, and I’ll book a car. We can’t have Kyle getting suspicious.”

Soon we were out the door, piled into a car, and heading back to my place. We’d walk from my land to Emmy’s, to keep West from seeing her and asking questions.

I hated how my friends had to keep sneaking around. And yet, if we could think of a way to deal with Wendy and I could be with Nolan, I would ask for West’s forgiveness later.

For now, I had to think of the future I wanted. And maybe, just maybe, Wendy Webster would lose this time.

Chapter Thirty-Eight


As Katie ran from my car, I tried to process everything.

Her gaze had been a mixture of love and regret. As if she’d wanted to say yes to us but couldn’t.

But why?

Especially since her heart had been in her eyes after I said I loved her.

Something else was up. I wish she’d talk to me, but maybe there was a reason she couldn’t. My best guess was Wendy had threatened her, or some such bullshit.

I placed my hands on the steering wheel and tightened my fingers. If I rushed back into the bar and demanded to know what was wrong, I doubted Katie would tell me. No, I needed to sort out this shit with Wendy first and then try even harder to win back my woman.

What I needed more than anything was a way to destroy Wendy in the court of public opinion. Until that happened, her superfans would continue to do her bidding and stand by her. But how?

With a growl, I started up my car and turned onto the road, with no real destination in mind. Something about driving on autopilot helped me to think.

I was no more than a mile from the bar when I remembered something about the last joint interview I’d done with Wendy, one we’d done to promote the film we both starred in.

The one where the mics and cameras had still been on when she trashed her fans and most of the big-time directors in town.

If I could get ahold of that footage, it would reveal her true colors to the world. It might not solve everything, but it was a good fucking first step in bringing her down.

Since my phone was connected via Bluetooth, I dialed Jenn. As soon as she picked up, I said without preamble, “I need you to contact someone who has access to cut footage for the show, The Stars Behind the Movies.”

Used to my sudden calls, she merely asked, “Why?”
