Page 54 of Marry Me Forever

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Me: We’ll see. As long as I can avoid embarrassing him, I’ll call it a win.

Abby: Now, don’t start that! People love stories like yours—the famous movie star falls for the hometown girl. You’ll be everyone’s sweetheart.

Me: Not everyone’s. Fans and his ex’s followers will pick me apart.

Amber: If you ever need some backup, you only need to send word and we’ll be there. We’ve got your back.

Emmy: Hear, hear! It’s been forever since I was down there. Besides, I can use my brother’s name to get us some good will. Maybe he has friends in L.A. who can get us into places.

Abby: It’d be better if Rafe actually stuck around and offered to help. Nolan’s going to be your brother-in-law.

Emmy: Don’t start that again. Rafe has lived in the UK for a long time. He’s trying to balance his life between two countries.

Abby: You’re way too nice. IMHO, he still has a lot to make up for. He needs to grovel.

Amber: It takes time, Abby. Be patient.

Abby: I’ve been patient!

Me: Forget about Rafe for now. And thanks for the offer, ladies, but I should be fine. I’ll keep you posted.

As I wheeled my bag out of the secure part of the airport, I searched for Nolan’s assistant, Jenn Jackson. Nolan had a meeting he couldn’t get out of but would meet me at some destination later today.

After glancing at the picture on my phone again, I finally spotted the tall woman with pale skin and red hair that had to be her. She saw me at the same time, waved, and wove through the crowd to reach me.

Once in front of me, she smiled and put out a hand. “I’m Jenn. Nice to finally meet you.” I shook her hand and then she leaned in to whisper, “Come on, let’s get you into the car before any of the paparazzi spots you. I’ve seen a few wandering around, asking questions about you, and I want to spare you their attention for as long as I can.”

I tugged on the baseball cap Nolan had suggested I wear and readjusted my grip on my suitcase. “Okay.”

Jenn waved a hand. “Follow me and stick close.”

As I did, I noted how people seemed to move out of her way without even realizing it. Maybe one day I could be that confident and determined.

She typed on her phone as we walked, and eventually we reached the pickup area. A black sedan pulled up, Jenn opened the door, and the driver came to take my bag. After thanking him, Jenn and I got into the car and soon we were on the road.

Jenn tossed her phone into the cup holder on the door. “I think we managed to get away without being seen. If not, it’ll be everywhere soon enough.” She turned toward me. “You’ll meet Nolan later, like I said. But probably not until after dinnertime. So you have two choices—I can take you back home, you can rest, and then go out. Or, we can go shopping and start getting the things you’ll need here. I’d suggest the latter, if at all possible, so the alterations can be done in time for your New Year’s gown.”

I blinked. “Um, what?”

“Didn’t Nolan tell you about our shopping spree? Sometimes I think he’d forget to eat if I didn’t give him a schedule. At any rate, you need a dress for New Year’s—something that will wow that cow and make her jealous.”

“Do you know if she’s going to be there? His ex? Nolan said he wasn’t sure.”

“I don’t know. I wish I did, but we’ll just have to assume she will be.” She took out a black American Express card from her purse. “Which means using Nolan’s card until we’re too tired to shop any longer.”

Seeing that rectangular piece of plastic only reinforced just how rich Nolan was. I sometimes forgot that, given how my gift of a children’s book at Christmas had made him happy.

Or had he just humored me?

No. He’d loved those books growing up, and it showed I knew him, at least a little.

Trust yourself, Katie. If I was to enjoy my time here, then I couldn’t let the glitz and glamor make me doubt everything. “Er, we can do some shopping. Although I have no idea where to start.”

Jenn smiled. “That’s where I come in. I know the perfect place to get a dress. There’s this amazing vintage place that should have what we need. Quite a few of Nolan’s friends, including my wife, have used it before.”

A vintage shop in L.A., one that catered to the stars, sounded expensive. Really expensive. “I don’t want to spend a lot of money, though.”

“Why not? You could do your worst, and Nolan wouldn’t even feel a dent. You do realize he’s a billionaire, right?” I blinked, and Jenn sighed. “He didn’t tell you. Of course not. He’s far too modest. But he is, so don’t sweat the costs. He wants me to treat you, and I plan to do so.”

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