Page 75 of Marry Me Forever

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But finding some sexy lingerie to start building my armor couldn’t hurt.

Chapter Twenty-Two


Me: Sorry I had to stay away another day, baby. I’d rather be home with you.

Katie: It’s okay. You’re trying to learn how to be an executive producer instead of just an actor. And sometimes things don’t go as planned.

Me: Still. I wanted to show you around and finally feel you fall apart around my dick.

Katie: Don’t tease me like that!

Me: I still remember your taste.

Katie: Keep it up, and I’m going to have to remember to pack a vibrator next time.

Me: Only if I can watch.

Katie: Hmm, it’d be like watching your own secret porno, wouldn’t it?

Me (typed but deleted): No, more like I want to know exactly how to please my future wife.

Me (actual reply instead): Should I arrive carrying a pizza box? Then you can say you don’t have any money and want to pay me another way.

Katie: Maybe. If it’s with pepperoni and extra cheese.

Me: I’ll bring three of them.

Katie: Then I’ll think of some creative ways to pay you. Hurry home.

The heart emoji was innocent, and yet it made me smile every time I looked at it. I’d never had such an easy time joking via text with a woman before.

And if I had returned even a few hours earlier, I would’ve arrived with those pizza boxes. However, I’d been delayed four more hours and by the time the car pulled up to my front door, I barely had time to get ready and change for the New Year’s party.

As I showered and dressed, I heard a commotion coming from down the hall. No doubt it was the team I’d hired to help Katie get ready. Jenn had said not to disturb them and that I should wait at the foot of the stairs.

So I did. I adjusted the bowtie of my tux yet again when voices traveled from the hallway above.

But then Katie appeared at the top of the stairs, and everything else faded away.

Her hair was swept up except for a few teasing curls, one of which bounced against her breasts as she walked. She wore the black dress from the shop, but the alterations now made it fit like a glove—snug against her boobs and abdomen before flaring out to land just above her shoes.

Her dark heels peeked out.

Ones I wanted her to wear as I finally thrust between her thighs and made her scream my name.

She bit her bottom lip, clearly nervous, and I snapped out of my trance. I met her and took her hand, bringing it to my lips and kissing the back of it. “You look beautiful, Katie. Stunning.”

Her pale cheeks turned pink. “It’s just the hair and makeup.”

True, she wore more makeup than usual—somewhat more dark and smoky, as befitting a nighttime party. However, that wasn’t it.

I traced her neck with a finger, over her shoulder, and down her arm, loving how she shivered at my touch. “No, it’s just you, Katie Evans. You’re the reason you’re beautiful. Not because of anything else.”

Her gaze met mine and time slowed as we stared at one another. She was two steps above me, putting our heads even. Heat and longing and something I couldn’t identify flared in her blue-eyed gaze.

I leaned over and kissed her gently, which was a mistake. Because the quick peck only caused heat to rush through my body and straight to my dick. I wanted to say fuck the party and finally claim my fiancée upstairs. Where she’d dig her nails into my back as she moaned my name and spasmed around my cock.
