Page 15 of Alaric

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“Oh,fuck,” I hissed as I came, hearing her moan as she, too, found her release.

I lay there trying to catch my breath afterward, surprised how hard I’d come just from jerking off to thoughts of the shy chick who’d sat across the table from me.

She seemed to come back to her senses much faster than I did.

I knew it because the screen suddenly went black, and her little green light next to her profile picture went red.

The crushing sort of disappointment I felt at that was unexpected.

As I cleaned myself up, I couldn’t help but wonder if that was a one-time thing, or if I could catch her in a needy moment again.

Because, somehow, I needed more of that.

Whatever the hell that was about.






I mean… what the hell was that about?

I had rules, for goodness sake.

If I saw your nether regions, you were blocked.

Yes, objectively, I knew that the content I created was for the titillation of strangers. But I somehow managed not to focus on that because what they were sexualizing was not something that I, personally, found sexual.

For me, feet were feet.

But your man business was, obviously, sexual.

And I didn’t want to see it.

Why, then, had I immediately felt my sex tighten the second I watched his camera pan down to show how his cock was straining against the material of his thin sleep pants?

“Ugh,” I grumbled to myself, making Frida look up at me, eyes wide, sure there was some sort of imminent danger lurking around that I sensed, but she could not place as we walkedaround the corner from the Chinese food place where we’d walked to pick up dinner.

“It’s nothing, baby,” I cooed at her, loosening my shortened hold on her leash, so I could rub her head. “Mommy is just a big, dumb, idiot.”

Objectively, I knew what I was.


There was no way around that.

I think that, after long enough of suppressing that urge, you kind of forget about it.

Until something triggers it again.

It was why I’d been steadily avoiding romance books, choosing instead things like thrillers or cozy mysteries, which almost assuredly wouldn’t contain a single sex scene.

Apparently, all it took was one unsolicited dick video to remind me just how much of a libido I did, in fact, have.
