Page 53 of Alaric

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But I wasn’t going to get too far ahead of myself. No matter how much I was dying to get that woman in bed, to see her unwind for me, relax, then come alive in a completely different way.

I was half-hard on my way out to the bike a few minutes later, needing to take a second to breathe past it before I pulled out.

The ride felt shorter than it had been when I’d been panicking about Siana’s safety, but by the time I pulled up out front of her building, I was already itching to get back to spend some time with her.

I used her key to get in the building, then took the elevator up, keeping my hand over my waist holster, the snap already undone. Just in case.

I was about five feet out of the elevator car when I knew I hadn’t been wrong to insist I be the one to go back to her place to check things out. Alone.

Because the tape was still intact on Kylo’s door.

But Siana’s apartment door was ever so slightly ajar.

“Fuck,” I hissed to myself, pulling out my gun as I moved to the door, slowly shouldering it open.

There was destruction everywhere.

Every book was pulled off her shelves, some of the pages scattered, or spines ripped off. The kitchen cabinets were opened, the dishes, cups, and mugs all shattered on the floor.

The cushions on her pink couch were slashed.

Some of her pictures were pulled off the wall, others had their glass shattered.

I sucked in a breath as I walked through the apartment, clearing the rooms to make sure they were gone, taking in more damage everywhere else.

She had a wall of nail polish.

Half of them were opened and spilled across the floor.

All of her expensive recording equipment was smashed.

“Fucking Christ,” I muttered, walking into her bedroom.

They’d slashed her pillows, for God’s sake.

On a growl, I moved into her closet, looking for luggage.

I found a few oversized bags, decided they would have to do, and started to shove some clothes into them. Then some of her shit from the bathroom that wasn’t destroyed.

I found her laptop stashed under a pile of notebooks in the bottom of her nightstand, miraculously undamaged, and grabbed that as well.

Moving back into the common area, I grabbed a few of the books that were on the floor near the coffee table, figuring those were the ones she might have been reading.

Then, finally, I packed some things for Frida.

Her toys, her bed, her bowls, and the treats and food I found in a lower cabinet.

“Yo, what’s up?” Seeley answered as I stood in the wreckage of Siana’s little sanctuary, wondering if she would ever feel truly safe in it again, even if these guys were locked up or dead. Or would it never truly feel ‘hers’ anymore after someone else destroyed it?

“Hey, any chance you’re free?” I asked, checking the time.

“Maybe. What for?”

“I need someone with wheels to meet me somewhere, then take my bike back to Golden Glades.”

“That sounds carefully cryptic.”

“It involves a girl—“ I started.
