Page 97 of Alaric

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“Ever hear of Lucy Lou?”

“Who is she?” Siana asked.

“Not a person,” he said, giving her an indulgent bigger brother smile, amused by her naïveté.

“It’s a designer party drug,” I told her, rubbing her lower back. Lucy was the street name for acid, but word was that someone with the know-how to figure this shit out, had tweaked it to make something a lot safer and enjoyable. And named it Lucy Lou.“You deal in it?” I asked. “I thought it was impossible for dealers to get their hands on these days.”

“It is. The chemist who makes that shit decided to ease back on production. Word is because it was getting too popular, and they don’t want any bodies on their conscience when, inevitably, people do stupid shit like take a handful of it.”

“But you got your hands on some?” I asked.

“Yeah. Fucking mother load of it. Back before the chemist stopped making it in bulk.”


“Someone I knew who was a close contact of theirs got gunned down for some bullshit rivalry.”


“And I happened to know where he liked to store his shit.”

“You stole it.”

“Is it stealing if there’s no one around to claim it anymore?” Kylo asked, shrugging.

“Fair enough,” I agreed. When you lived and worked on the wrong side of the law, you had to accept a lot more gray area in life than the typical person. “How much is your stock worth?”

Kylo’s gaze slid to me, shaking his head.


“You’re not fucking stupid enough to keep that kinda supply at home, are you?”

“Alaric,” Siana hissed, shooting me big, scandalized eyes.

“No, of course not. But like I said… they’re fucking stupid. And when it was obvious the shit wasn’t in my place…”

“They started to try to extract the address,” I guessed, knowing he’d been tortured before they pulled out the guns.


“Who are they?”

“Honestly don’t even know names. Know faces. Got ideas. But I don’t know for sure.”

“This always been your business?” I asked.

“No. And yeah. Do whatever brings in the money, man,” he said, shrugging it off.

And this was going to be his big paycheck, something to help him maybe set something else up.

He was one tough fuck to take a beating and two bullets and not give up the details.

“I get that,” I admitted. “What are your idea—“ I started, then glanced at Siana.

How much did I want her to know?

Especially this early in our relationship.
