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And then he was on his knees in front of her, spreading her legs and pulling one of her thighs over his shoulder. He buried his face in her heat, licking roughly over her folds and clit until she recovered from her orgasm and felt desire rebuilding.

"Oh, my God," she whimpered. "Oh, don't stop."

Elliott followed her orders, running circles over her clit and then dipping lower and lower, until he finally rounded his tongue and shoved it into her wet depths. Hannah grabbed his head, shoving her pelvis against him, looking for more.

He needed a minute. He wanted nothing more than to come deep inside of her as she climaxed around him. But he knew he would enjoy it all the more if he drew it out. And then he would shove inside of her again.

Just as she was panting and about to come again, Elliott stood up suddenly, pulling her legs up and wrapping them around his waist. Hannah reached wantonly between them, grabbed his cock, and pushed it inside her. Elliott smiled, turning so his back was against the wall. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he grabbed her ass tightly. Then she started riding him, slow and tentative at first. And then with increasing speed and need. She moaned "oh" with every shallow exhale as she slid up and down his body.

He felt himself edging toward climax and he grabbed her ass harder and started pulling her up and down until she matched his pace.

Hannah came down on him once hard and her pussy grabbed him over and over as she climaxed, "Oh, oh God, Elliott," she moaned against his neck.

Elliott grunted, shifting again so her back was against the wall. He plowed into her over and over, her entire body jumping with the motion each time. He felt her start to tighten again and shoved harder and harder. He reached and grabbed her braid, pulling so she was facing him. Her eyes were small and hazy as she groaned her way through another orgasm. As soon as he felt her relax, he shoved hard and deep once, his breath coming out in a huff as he came hard. "Fuck, Hannah," he groaned, his cock exploding with his orgasm.

Hannah's eyes went round and her mouth fell open as she felt his orgasm. She didn't know a woman could feel a man climax.

His head fell against her shoulder, his breath ragged and unsteady. She wrapped her arms tightly around his neck and rested her face against his cheek. A moment later, when his heartbeat had slowed considerably, he wrapped an arm around her waist and carried her toward his chair, sitting down with her on top of him.

Hannah relaxed against him, his clothes warm against her naked body. She realized, with a strange sense of wonder, that he was still inside of her. His hands worked at the tie in her hair, pulling it free then carefully untwisting the braids. When it was undone, he splayed it across her bare back and slowly ran his fingers through it. He really seemed to have a an obsession with her hair. Hannah shivered a little at the whisper-soft sensation and sighed. She closed her eyes and before she was even aware she was tired, she was asleep.

The cold was what woke her up. The office thermostat dipped low at night when no one was around and she woke up to goosebumps. For a moment she shifted closer to the body heat Elliott provided. But then her sleep-addled brain cleared and she realized what she had allowed to happen again.

One of Elliott's arms was limply resting on her hip. She carefully pulled one leg from around him and placed it on the floor and slowly eased her body weight off of him. She couldn't understand why she fell asleep with him so easily. It wasn't like her. She usually couldn't sleep if someone else was even in the same room.

When she was finally standing, she looked down at him. He hadn't so much as flinched as she moved. He slept like the dead. Maybe like her, he typically slept badly. Judging by the shadows under his eyes that looked a lot like hers, it was likely the case. The stern creases he usually had between his brows and across his brow were gone now, softened with sleep and he looked so much more approachable than usual.

Hannah tiptoed across the floor to find her clothes and threw them on quickly, shivering slightly. She walked into her office, grabbing her purse and cell phone and carefully closed the door behind her. The office was eerily quiet and she looked down at her cell to find that it was well after nine at night.

Oh, God. Had the cleaning staff been there already? Hannah's stomach turned over at the thought of someone coming in to clean and unexpectedly finding her there fully naked on top of her boss. Her face heated dramatically and she prayed that wasn't the case. She was in contact with the cleaning staff more nights than not. They knew her. She would never be able to face them again.

The elevator chimed to the first floor and she stepped out into the dark, abandoned lobby. She pulled her key card out to open the front door and noticed with relief that the cleaning staff was just unloading their supplies from the van as she walked out. She greeted them with a wave and walked quickly to her car.

Once she was half way home, she felt a sense of guilt at having left him there to be come upon by the cleaning staff. While he was clothed, he was unzipped and she didn't think he would appreciate being found like that. She punched his number into her cell phone and let it ring three times, intending to hang up, when she heard a sleepy, ragged sounding Elliott answer.

She slammed her finger down on the off button as her heart raced. Well at least she had woken him. Hopefully he wasn't awake enough to think to check the caller ID. Chances were he wouldn't even know her number by sight anyway. She hoped.

The phone woke him up with a start from a deep sleep. It took him a few seconds to realize where he was and what had woken him. He grabbed the phone and barked into the receiver to find nothing on the other end. He dropped it into the cradle with more force than was necessary.

He reached down and zipped his trousers and felt agitation build up inside him. She had snuck off again. While he had never gotten the chance to have a conversation about their professional life not being affected by their sexual life, he figured she would have understood already. She certainly didn't need to run off in the middle of the night like she was ashamed of herself.

Was she ashamed of herself? He hadn't thought much about that feeling in the past. It wasn't something he personally experienced and most of the women he spent his nights with knew what they were getting into. No one expected more from him than a night or two. Everyone knew it was a casual sexual encounter they were going to share. And it wasn't anything anyone ever felt the need to feel shame about.

But Hannah wasn't one of those women. Despite his suspicions about her general lack of experience, he knew this was different because she worked for him. She was definitely ashamed. He hated that thought and was going to make it his top priority to talk to her first thing in the morning.

He walked to the elevator and nodded to the cleaning staff in the lobby.

She needed to get over her fears about their work life. Because the sex was absolutely amazing and he did not want to have to lose that. She was incredibly open. And he was constantly blown away by how absolutely gorgeous she was. And the way she said his name...

Elliott shook his head. He needed to stop thinking about her so much. It was becoming a bit too much. She was going to be an amazing fling. That was all there was to it. But as he got into his car, he had a nagging feeling he was lying to himself.

Hannah let herself into her apartment and locked the door behind her. She walked to her bathroom, leaving a trail of clothes through her house as she undressed. The heat of the shower helped soothe her sore body. No one was meant to fall asleep in that awkward position. Her thighs felt like cinder blocks.

She needed to stop sleeping with him. The thought caught her off-guard and she laughed at herself. Why couldn't she resist him? The second he was within six inches of her, her brain just went to mush. Any reservations she was firmly holding onto, slipped away. Granted, he was gorgeous. No woman would be able to deny how sexy that man was. But he wasn't overly kind or charming.

Hannah let the overly hot water run down her body for a long few minutes. The man was truly talented with sex though. She never would have thought she would be a woman who would be into a man being so dominant and demanding. She definitely didn't think she would tolerate, let alone enjoy, being pinned, or slapped, or choked. But she did. Every pore of Elliott's body screamed with dominance. And every inch of her wanted to be dominated by him.

She should have screwed around more in college. Maybe she could have built up some kind of defenses to her own body's desires. It was extremely difficult to deny herself something that she had been ignoring for so many years. Her lady bits clearly had a mind of their own and she didn't stand a chance.
