Page 115 of Spider and the Elf

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His lips captured mine just as I opened my mouth to complain, the metallic taste gone as his tongue coaxed mine to meet his in a sensual dance before his teeth caught the muscle. That familiar stab of having my tongue bitten registered in my head too late, and I flinched, voicing a sound of impatient objection.

En rumbled quietly in response, the vibrations echoing in my bones. He grabbed the back of my thighs and drew me closer, and then he flipped us around. My breath left me in a whoosh as the room spun, and when my vision steadied I felt one of his hands crawling up my spine to grip my nape. He pulled me down for another kiss, and this time I happily followed the pace he set because my need to dominate was appeased.

So caught up in his kisses and his scent, I didn't notice the hand creeping under my skirt until En squeezed my inner thigh. I jumped, letting out a muted whimper as his fingers carefully dug into my skin. His lips faintly twisted upwards against mine before I pulled back with a frown.

“So mean,” I breathed, gently nipping his jaw before leaving little kisses along his throat.

And it was then that I noticed En was shaking. Low growls passed his lips, and they soundedangry. I withdrew again and peered at him, using the opportunity to catch my breath.

And then I paused.

His eyes. His eyes were showing the first sign of change, the red being chased away by white. En shook, gritting his teeth and then exposing his fangs in a snarl when his head snapped to the side. It was as if he was in immense pain, and I found myself turning him back to face me, my hands gentle on his cheeks as I forced him to look at me.

“I will not allow him to ruinmytime with you,” he snarled, his face scrunched and eyes narrowed, one hand squeezing my thigh almost too tight and the other pressing down on my nape.

Crossing my arms behind his neck, I reached up and placed my lips under his left eye, closing my own eyes and enjoying his warmth. I didn’t know what to say, so I kept my lips on his skin, finding peace within his rapid heartbeat.

After a while, I felt him relax under me. When I retreated, it was still him, watching me with crimson eyes and a bright flame.

“He ruined it,” he grumbled, his voice bitter and cold as he pressed his forehead to my right shoulder, the one that wasn’t bitten—and still not healed.

I tugged him closer, placing another kiss under his eye. En grunted and held me tighter, lowering his head and tilting it to give me more access to his skin. My lips stretched up wide as I showered him with affection, delighting in his compliance and the way he sought my touches.

I wanted to tell him that nothing was ruined, wanted to reassure him that he could do whatever he desired, but he froze again. Went so terrifyingly still as if his system had completely shut down.

The muscles on his back and arms stiffened until they felt like rocks under me. En pulled away, a low guttural sound reverberating around me as he faced the side with narrowed eyes.

The direction where the entrance of the cave was.

I sat still, eyes wide and limbs dropping from him as his features morphed into those of aggression.

“Little Elf,” he rumbled, and I flinched, wishing to crawl away, but one of his hands grabbed my wrist and held firmly. I tensed, my eyes rising to glance at him briefly, telling him that he had my full attention despite not being able to meet his burning gaze.

“Whatever happens, donottake a step from where you are.” His palm on my wrist tightened when I didn’t respond immediately. I winced, shoulders hunching as my bones ached. “Do not move. Do I make myself clear?”

I nodded hurriedly, swallowing past a tight throat.

Not sparing me another look or the chance to ask why, he removed me from his lap and stood up abruptly, shoulders rolling and back stiffer than steel.

Supporting myself with my palms flat on the ground, I sat still, gulping thickly at the smoke that rose from his fingertips and the fire that crawled up his arms.

I didn’t know why he became so agitated, but I understood one thing.

En was after blood.


The silence of the cave was maddening. It amplified everything—my heartbeat, my breathing, the dark walls surrounding me as if they were waiting to fall on me.

The coldness of the stone ground bit into my flesh and made me lock my jaw to prevent my teeth from shaking. It was strange. The fire was a few spaces away from me, but I felt bitterly cold.

That haunting silence was all I heard despite straining my ears, tilting my head so my ear would face where the entrance would be. Nothing. Not a sound. I assumed it was because not only was I high up from the main ground, I was also sitting deep inside the cave.

En was taking too long, and the longer I stayed alone the more afraid I became. En was strong, unbelievably strong, but I still worried. If he was facing danger, I should have been there with him, too. I may not have been as strong, but I was far from weak; manipulating the water element meant that I shouldn’t be underestimated no matter how fragile or delicate I looked.

Yet he still went out on his own.

En had told me to stay still, to not move, not even a step. But the longer he was away the more anxious I became. I couldn’t remember a time when En had given me an order and I didn’t obey; it was always a nod and doing as he had instructed.
