Page 123 of Spider and the Elf

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I paused. Blinked. When I tried to squirm away, his arms tightened around me.

And when I looked up, he slowly licked his lips with a nasty, smug smirk.

I shook my head hurriedly, squirming and wriggling my sore body, but it was useless as he yanked me back under him and parted my still-trembling thighs again.


When I woke up late the next day, it was to the feeling of soothing heat moving up and down my frame. I recognised the sensation immediately; one of them was healing me.

As my senses began to awaken, I became aware of the faint trembling of my body. That immobilising throb had been reduced to a dull ache, enough to allow me to stir but whine out loud. I coughed as soon as I did that, wincing at the jagged feeling in my throat. Like I’d swallowed a handful of broken glass shards.

As I tried to shift away, I felt a warm, silky fabric covering me and sighed quietly, snuggling under it in an attempt to hide. If it was En healing me in an attempt to coax me to mate again, he could forget it. I could barely move, and my body needed some time to recover after his intense passion. He wasinsatiable, his stamina and need both remarkable and frightening. I never thought anyone could demand seven rounds of mating in one night.

A warm hand caressed my right arm tentatively, not daring to slip under the fabric.

Pursing my lips, I peeled my eyes open and looked up, meeting coloured eyes instead of burning pits of fire. Eon’s head was resting on the back of his hand, elbow supporting his weight as he stared down at me.

I sighed again as I settled closer to him, relishing his healing touches and warmth. When I moved closer, his free arm draped around me, cautious and unsure.

I couldn’t believe I had slept longer thanhim, a creature who rose late in the afternoon.

“Are you still hurting anywhere?” he asked, his voice hard.

I opened my eyes again and looked at him properly this time, noticing his locked jaw and narrowed eyes. Despite the calm fierceness on his face, it didn’t appear to be directed at me.

I avoided his gaze and bit my tongue, but when his arm around me tightened experimentally, I scrunched my face and hissed, hands hurrying under the silky cover—one of his long robes, which resembled a blanket on me—to push him away.

“Ouch!” I hissed, cringing at the pain in my throat.

Slowly, as if to not frighten me, Eon's hand curled loosely around my throat, the heat emitting from his palm pouring under my flesh like warm honey. I hummed, pleased when I could use my throat with ease again.

Eon had healed most of my pain and injuries when I was asleep. The only ones left were hiding under the cover, but I knew he was aware of them. My fractures were healed as well, and that was something I was immensely grateful for, otherwise breathing would have been difficult.

I paused, eyes darting from his hard gaze to his sharp jaw and back. “Are you upset?”

“I am,” he answered, hard gaze fixed on me.

I shifted a little under my blanket. “Why?”

I didn’t think Eon would be upset about En mating with me first, but his silence stretched for too long.

“I told you he might hurt you,” he finally said. The hardness in his voice became slightly accusatory.

“I’m in one piece,” I joked, hoping to cheer him up, but that only made his gaze colder. I regretted my words instantly. “I’m fine, look.”

I threw my arms out from under the covering and regretted that as well because I’d displayed my bruised and bitten skin to him. It wasnota pretty sight, no matter how much En had adored it and praised it last night.

Grimacing, I drew them back immediately, rushing to cover my skin with his robe, but his hand shot out to stop me. His body began to quiver as soon as he pulled my right arm to his mouth, his lips parting and tongue darting to seal the wounds on my fingers first.

I caught a brief glimpse of his changing eyes before his lashes fluttered and his lids closed a little, preventing me from seeing the battle that raged behind them. Eon’s upper lip curled back slightly, teeth bared for a moment as the muscles in his neck twitched, his head nearly snapping to the side before a low rumble shook his chest.

Then he returned to repairing my skin.

“En… is he—”

“He’s unhappy that I’m healing you.”

Because En’s breed showed their affection more aggressively than the other breeds. Those bites and scratches he’d left on me, no matter how painful, were like gifts of his feelings for me, and having Eon heal them away was an insult, like he was dismissing and wiping away En’s signs of devotion for me. I understood that part well, even if I still struggled to understand how hurting me meant En adored me.
