Page 127 of Spider and the Elf

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I followed his line of sight, only for my heart to plunge to the pit of my stomach. My bones froze before my thoughts followed, my skin growing cooler against Eon’s warmth.

I hadn't realised we were near the portals until now, until my shock forced me to return to reality again, where the world was much bigger than just Eon, En, and me.

Fear chilled my blood at first, rooted me to the ground until I stood like a hollow shell. And when that gloomy feeling subsided, joy warmed me up, opening my lungs so I could breathe again.

“Brother,” I whispered, the odd mixture of excitement and fear showing in my voice.

I was so happy to see him.

But the feeling didn’t seem mutual.


Never had I seen my brother look so shocked and betrayed, not even when he’d caught me stumbling out of the enemy’s gates. Never had I seen him look so sickly pale as if the fingers of death were draining him of his vitality.

And for an instant, I considered the situation from his eyes. Did he see Amnestria in me? Did he see that foolish, selfless sister running towards the enemy’s awaiting hands, only to disappear forever?

In that tense moment, what did he see? What did he think of when he saw me standing next to a monster?

Ayen was with him, as was Elanil.

Ayen had seen my mate before, so his face didn’t look as shocked or stunned as the other two. Elanil… Elanil looked terrified even though she knew what my mate was. And Faelyn… he’d seen me walking out of their portal, but perhaps he didn’t assume I was there for a reason.

Perhaps he didn’t consider the enemy being my chosen mate.

I wished to comfort them, to fall into their embrace and inhale their familiar scents. Yet just as that thought came into my head, just as that urge became undeniable, Eon slowly moved in front of me, hiding me from their eyes.

My chest pinched, eyes lifting to stare at the back of his head. Eon didn’t need to be so alarmed. He had nothing to fret about because those people were my family. They weren’t a threat to me.

Since our hands were still clasped, I moved my other and placed it close to his spine, flattening my palm over his warm skin. He didn’t react.

“Eon,” I whispered, knowing only he would hear me. “They’re my family.”

His eyes remained fixed on them, watching their every breath. “Kenia,” he said, equally quiet, yet his voice was hard. The way he said my name made my spine straighten. “Where I’m from, there is no such thing as family.”

I knew that, but he didn’t have any reason to feel threatened bythem.

“I don’t know how your people do it, but where I’m from…” His hold on my palm tightened. “No one welcomes an outsider.”

I knew that. I knew that because I was an outsider now just as he was.

In my own world and in his, I was an outsider.

It was why I hesitated when I peeked over his arm, studying the way Elanil’s wide eyes stared at my mate as if he would slice her any moment. I looked over to my brother, his eyes a mixture of fear and that bitter betrayal as he stood before Elanil in a defensive stance.

Ayen looked torn.

Something must have clicked in Faelyn’s head, judging from the way his eyes took in Eon’s protective posture and his hand which was holding mine and keeping me close.

“Your… mate?” my brother asked, the disbelief and horror clear in his voice.

I lowered my eyes and bit my tongue, nodding once.

When I didn’t receive another question, I looked up, tightening my grip on Eon’s hand.

“You chose a… Spider?”

I didn’t nod this time, only pressed myself closer to Eon.
