Page 130 of Spider and the Elf

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It was becoming a nasty habit, waking up so late. But I couldn’t be blamed for my mate’s stamina and insatiability. Although, it seemed he was subtly determined to make me adapt to his world: sleep when he slept, wake up when he woke up.

I shifted on my stomach, keeping the blanket on me as I looked around with lazy eyes. Eon wasn’t in the cave.

Using the wall beside me for support, I stood up on shaky legs. I grasped the blanket tightly, keeping it around my bare body as a cover and a source of warmth. Surprisingly, my body didn’t feel as heavy or sore as I thought.

Eon must have healed me while I slept.

There was a place I wanted to see, a place I had wanted to explore from the beginning, but En kept turning me away from it.

I made my way towards the opening on the side, legs unsteady and feet stiff. I clenched my teeth, sighing as I stepped forward.

A little while later, I found myself in the middle room, the place my mate used to store items. Looking inside, I found the items Eon had traded for me, placed neatly in a corner. What I also found were the chests that probably held his clothes. There were too many, though, and some even looked… feminine.

For me,I realised, grinning wide, my chest warming with bliss.

Still grinning, I turned and continued forward, eager to discover what En had calledmyarea.

It wasn’t what I’d expected.

The cave opened from the top, allowing plenty of sunlight and crisp air. Had it not been for the black stone walls curving around the place, I would have thought I was outside our home. There were trees here, lots of colourful trees and greenery and plants with food—food I could eat without going outside the safety of those walls.

What made my heart sing, however, was the pool. The beautiful pool that was circled by large rocks, pure water surrounded by reds and purples and yellows and pinks and greens and more.

All forme.

I didn’t know where the water came from, but it seemed endless. I guessed it flowed under the cave somehow, but I still didn’t know where it came from. His territory was abundant with water, and it was like I was destined to behere.

This was home.

My home.

And there, surrounded by safe peace and calm beauty, a thought struck me. Struck me so suddenly and so deeply that I stood still and inhaled a long, bittersweet breath.

Amnestria would have liked it here. My mother and father, too. Perhaps they would have even liked Eon and En once they saw that love could grow between two enemies.

I slipped out of the blanket and stepped into the pool, humming as my body adjusted to its temperature. Relief and a light sort of ease filled me at being with my element again.

Flutters sounded above me before two birds rested on a rock by the pond.

“There you are.” I smiled, closing my eyes when my companions moved to my head and picked on my hair. “Why did you two leave?” I asked while playing with the water, raising and rotating my fingers, watching as little tornadoes formed.

“You were with your mate,” Keia chirped. “We couldn’t intrude, or did you want us to watch?”

Despite the chill of the pool, my face warmed, which caused the water around me to steadily bubble. Keia’s shrieking laugh and Vyrin cooing made me roll my eyes even as my smile grew.

“You’re happy,” Vyrin said, flittering back to one of the rocks and ruffling her blue feathers.

I nodded twice, splashing my face with water to rid myself of the heat on my skin. My gaze paused on my arms, appreciating the faint blue glow that came with being in my element. When Keia flew to rest near Vyrin on the rock, I washed my hair and hummed, my instincts remaining alert with the absence of my mate.

I sank in deeper, leaving only my face exposed as I smoothed my hair under the water. My eyes roamed, scanning the trees and the shadows, wondering if Eon was nearby. I couldn’t sense his presence. How long had he been gone for, and where did he go? What was he doing?

I waited as I bathed under the sun. It would fade soon, blanketing the world in muted shades.

“Have either of you seen my mate?” I asked my companions, rolling my fingers to create more ripples.

Both birds chirped negatively.

My shoulders slumped, those dreaded fingers of loneliness stroking my nerves. “Where is he?”
