Page 35 of Spider and the Elf

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Warmth and light enveloped me. Sounds faded and morphed and then amplified, but they were different. For a brief moment, my insides felt light, like I was floating.

But then came the chill of being far from home, somewhere I shouldn’t be.

My teeth clattered as I stepped out and into the Spiders’ world. Goosebumps prickled my flesh. I rubbed my arms and inhaled a deep breath before I took off, Keia flying beside me.

Had I been sure there weren’t any crawling predators or that this place wassafe,I would have given into the urge to explore. To see. To feel the different textures of this place against my skin and feel its water around me. This place was heavy with energy and power; that time I’d healed myself in Eon’s waters… it’d been incredible. Different. Addictive.

But this wasn’t my place. I was only a secret guest here.

As soon as I reached the tall dark cliff, I began climbing until I finally made my way onto his land. I didn’t see him immediately, and I sensed that he wasn’t there.

Shaking my hands to rid myself of the thin spiderwebs that caught on to my skin from my trip up here, I walked to the pink tree and then stopped. Turning slowly, I strained my ears under my hair and searched for him, but I still couldn’t sense his presence or hear him.

Either he truly wasn’t here or he was too good at being quiet.

A silent yawn tore out of me. Blinking my teary eyes, I plopped down on the soft grass and watched the sky change colours, from a medium blue to a hard blue, but it wasn’t dark just yet.

It should have scared me, being here so late—so close to nighttime. And yet all I felt was… calm. Too calm, despite being alone in a world that could drink my blood and chew my bones.

Another yawn escaped me. The fingers of fatigue crept up my spine even though I hadn’t done anything today. I scooted a little and rested on my back, sinking into the soft grass and blinking heavily as I watched the first stars glimmer in the night.

I didn’t know when I’d closed my eyes or when I’d drifted off to sleep or how long I’d been out, but then my senses awoke to warmth. It was… delightful, like being snuggled under layers of fabric.

Then came the sensation of something stroking my head; slow, delicate caresses that made me drowsier yet reluctant to give in to sleep. Big hands carefully brushed my hair away from my face, warm fingers grazing my skin like rays of sunshine.

A soft sigh escaped me. I stretched my arms up, stiffening when my hands come in contact with something warm and hard.

Slowly opening my eyes, I tilted my head and found Eon’s captivating face staring down at me. The sky above him was darker than it was when I came, but it wasn’t nighttime,yet.

Eon was playing with my hair. And my head was resting on his thigh.

That buzzing feeling came back, making my breath catch in my throat.

Because at some point while I was sleeping, the Cyrva had moved my head from the hard ground and placed it on his thigh instead. And that I hadn’t woken up when he did it meant he’d been careful, intent on not disturbing me even though I was waiting for him.

It was the decent and kind thing to do, but his people were not known to be kind.

Not to each other, and especially not to outsiders.

I didn’t understand it, but the gesture still warmed me.

“Was I asleep for too long?” I asked quietly, looking up at him with my head tilted back.

The Spider’s lips tipped up in a smirk. “No. Was I gone for too long?”

His calm state made me grin back. “Even if you were, I have no way of knowing. How long have you been playing with my hair?”

Eon hummed, his big fingers gently tangling in my blue strands. The way he watched me made me want to hide behind my hair because his gaze was so soft. So sweet.

I sat up and tried to move away, but he grabbed me and pulled me between his now crossed legs. He sat me sideways, my right side pressed against his bare chest, absorbing his heat as his strong arms wrapped around me loosely. It was then that I noticed the black silk robe he was covering us with.

My gaze lingered. It was the first time I saw him so dressed, and even though his torso was still exposed, his robe loose and open, that one piece of clothing made him seem more… intimidating than usual.

Strangely though, it also made him look more… tempting.

I flicked my eyes up, startled once again by his soft gaze. There was something in it that truly made me want to turn and hide—not from fear but from flustered giddiness.

“Are you cold?” I asked, raising a hand to feel the exposed skin of his chest. But he was warm, pleasantly so that I snuggled closer to him, listening to the soft thuds of his heart thump under my small palm.
