Page 53 of Spider and the Elf

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My eyes scanned the soba fruit in a fleeting glance. Delicious and round, almost the size of a mango. It had the sourness of an orange, the sweetness of an apple, the softness of a banana, and the redness of a strawberry.

“What?” I pouted, biting my bottom lip to keep the grin back.

Eon gagged and shuddered. “It’s disgusting.” He shook his head. “I only eat meat.”

“Can’t you take one bite?” I nearly laughed at the puking gesture he made. This was the most expressive he’d ever been, and Iadoredit.

He made a puking motion once again. “If you were to eat meat, almost the same thing would happen to me if I were to eat…that.”

I paused.

His body would reject it. But how could something as harmless as fruit or vegetable make him suffer? Blood and flesh were no comparison to a potato or a melon. And how did his body reject these things? Did he become so extremely ill with high fevers and constant vomiting and weakness until the fruit or vegetable wore out of his system? He saidalmost, so it probably wasn’t as extreme as what would happen to me if I were to eat…

All that the books mentioned was that Spiders consumed blood and flesh, but I’d assumed it was a preference. Not a limit.

Eon stood up, and I watched him climb the pink tree. He looked up at the sky and I copied. All I saw was an endless starry night.

His hand flung upwards. Thick, red thread shot out of his right palm like an arrow, and the terrified shrieks of an animal had my heart leaping to my throat.

There, in Eon’s large palm, was a medium-sized bird—ablue dove—wrapped in thick thread and screeching in pain and fear.


“No!” I jumped to my feet and stood before Eon, my heart clenching at the blue dove’s desperate cries for help.

To know what he ate and to actuallyseehim in the act of eating—devouring another creature of flesh and blood—were not the same. Sipping on the juice of a berry was not the same as draining another living being’s blood. Sinking one’s teeth into a plant was not the same as viciously tearing flesh from bones. The kalai, for all their moving and squirming, were a plant, and when we ate them, it was like eating an eggplant.

“This is something I would eat,” he spoke softly, and I lowered my gaze.

“I know that.” I breathed in, my lungs pressing against my rib cage. “But please don’t do it in my presence.” My breath left me with a shudder. “It pains me.”

Silence reigned between us, and each moment that passed with him watching me made me realise how foolish I was. I was in his world, in his territory, telling him what to do.

How could a drop of water ever think it could affect a wildfire?

Eon’s hand pushed the blue dove towards me, his grip loosening a touch.

My eyes bulged. I gawked up at him with parted lips that wanted to speakvolumes,but nothing came out.

He narrowed his eyes. “If I won’t be eating it, you better accept it from me.”

My next inhale caught in my throat, and it was a pure miracle I didn’t choke. “You’rehandingme somethingyoucaptured?”

A test. A trap. Anything and everything except him giving his catch to me. By their own laws, anything they captured was theirs alone. The Cyrva breed, especially, were so selfish and possessive that they didn’t share even with their own mate. As soon as he’d caught sight of it, that blue dove wasEon’s.

He rolled his eyes at my stillness and exhaled a harsh breath. “It’s for you.”

I swallowed heavily, everything in me screaming no. When I reached for her, my hands were quivering.The dove didn’t think twice about climbing her way to my hair, hiding as much as she could from her predator.

Eon’s prey was nowmypossession.

When I tentatively peeked up at him, his expression twisted into a vicious, menacing glare. I took a step back when I noticed the hostile flames in his eyes, an involuntary whimper escaping me.

“I know the scent of this dove,” he said quietly, darkly, and my body caved inwards. “If I find out you gave it to someone else or freed it, your pretty little feet won’teverleave my land again.”

My blood chilled. I felt it rush down my head and pool at my feet the same way my heart plunged and took my breath with it. My knees wobbled, my trembling fingers clutching the hem of my skirt to anchor me.

Eon grasped the back of my neck and leaned down as he almost roughly tilted my head up towards him. “Do you understand?”
