Page 57 of Spider and the Elf

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“No, you did nothing wrong.” He shook his head. “I was only worried.”

That guilt pinched my chest sharply, so sharp that I hunched my shoulders. “I didn’t mean it, I’m—”

“Fool,” he interrupted me with a warm smile, reaching to grab my hand on the table. He gave a gentle, comforting squeeze. “When I ask you where you’d been, it is for my peace of mind. I will always worry about you. When you run off without telling me, it makes me anxious, like you could be in danger and I wouldn’t be there to protect you.” His eyes dimmed, and his smile wavered. “I never mean it to restrict or scold you.”

I squeezed his hand back, holding it between both of mine. Shame and guilt made it difficult to meet his gaze because he looked saddened now, his features twisted a little like he was in pain.

“Let’s go see Am,” I blurted as I almost jumped out of my seat again, this time to lean closer to Faelyn, attempting to infuse my sudden burst of cheer into him. “I bet she feels bored without us chatting her petals off. And I want to see her flower’s reaction to you choosing a mate!”

His confusion tinged pink as he blushed; he raised his chin and cleared his throat, sitting straighter. “Everyone chooses a mate eventually.”

I nodded mockingly. “Uh huh, sure. Said the male who claimed he’d never find someone suitable.”

Despite blushing, Faelyn’s lips curled into an amused smirk. “Well, this one conquered my heart and locked it away.”

“Conquered his heart and locked it away, can you believe him?!” I howled with laughter as I recounted to Amnestria’s blue hydrangea what Faelyn had told me earlier. “Him!The male who never gave a second glance to anyone!”

Our elder sister’s flower vibrated, as if she shared my mirth.

My brother huffed, giving me a pointed look despite the soft blush staining his cheeks. “If you hadn’t gone off skipping into the Fairies’ portal last night, you would have met her and understood why I gave her more than a glance.”

I nodded my head at him, teasing and taunting as I gave him a look. “You stared at her, didn’t you? Embarrassing! Did you drool over her, too?”

Amnestria’s flower swayed back, her green leaves tipping up a little as Faelyn’s blush deepened.

“Yes, yes, laugh, both of you. You’re both jealous I will now give my attention to another.”

“Jealous?!” I shrieked, erupting into another burst of laughter that had tears welling in my eyes. “We’re relieved you’ll finally chase someone else about where they’ve been and what they’ve been up to! That’s assuming we’ll even see you around.”

Faelyn scoffed and gave me a narrowed look. “You dream I wouldn’t be around. Who else would keep an eye on you?” He turned to Amnestria’s flower and leaned close, like he was going to tell her a grand secret. “She’s been visiting the Fairies every day recently. My guess is she’s meeting with a Fairy.”

I let out a scandalised gasp, once again pausing my creation of a new flower crown for my sister. “I am not! I-I simply enjoy visiting their world! The colours! The food! How can I not?”

“With what have you been getting the food, huh?” Faelyn gave me another narrowed look. “You haven’t taken anything to exchange lately. So unless some Fairy is courting you, they wouldn’t give youonething without something in return. Mita saw you returning from their portal last night when you should have been here withmewhile my mate was visiting. Who is it? That white-haired snow-gifted Fairy?”

My face burned as I swatted the accusation away. “No! He’s a friend. And yes, I’ve been visiting him because he’s a friend! Am knows about him!” All of it was honest and true this time.

Faelyn eyed our sister’s still flower. Its leaves fluttered once, as if in a careless shrug, tipping to my side a little.

My chest pinched. Not for the first time I wished her flower was big enough so I could hug it, so I could at least feel as if Amnestria was right there with me.

My brother swallowed heavily. His liveliness dimmed, and he cleared his throat and nodded, looking away. “Keep your secrets, Am,” he said, his voice a little strained. “As long as you’re happy and in peace… your teasing is welcome.”

The blue hydrangea shook, almost like a shudder rippled through her.

“No tears,” I said with a trembling smile, raising my finished flower crown to show her. “This turned out prettier than the one from a few days ago. Faelyn has good taste in flowers. His mate will be pleased.”

My brother sniffed and nodded, expression bittersweet. “No tears,” he echoed, watching as I placed the new flower crown around our sister’s flower. White and green and yellow and violet, brilliant yet soothing.

Faelyn and I sat in silence, looking at the sunset sky with Amnestria’s flower swaying gently with the breeze.

I had many memories of when I was younger and our sister was around, of moments where the three of us would find a quiet place to watch the sky changing with the sunset. I would be in Amnestria’s arms, sitting on her lap or leaning into her while she held me close. Faelyn would sit close, either pressing against my side while they sandwiched me or resting his head against Amnestria’s shoulder. She was the firstborn in our family, so we gravitated towards her like she was our pillar. And we would watch the sky turn golden and orange and pastel and navy. We would watch the first few stars wink against the canvas of night, and often we would stay until someone called for us that it was dinner time.

This sunset was lovely like the ones in my memories. Golden skies and pastel lights and only the rustling of grass as the world prepared to slow down and rest. But as with all these newer sunsets, this one was missing the warmth I remembered from seventy-two Blue Moons ago.


“This looks good,” Faelyn said, holding up a big blue fruit.
