Page 70 of Spider and the Elf

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“You’re onmyland.” I bared my fangs—small or not, I woulddestroyher. “You show me respect, or you face the consequences.”

Her expression darkened further, the flames in her eyes snapping. “Filth deserves no respect.”

“Dishonourable, stupid, malicious, and filled with hate.” I mock-spat. “The only filth I see is you.”

Flames rose from her skin like weeds, slithering along the length of her arms and igniting her fingertips. She was on the verge of embodying her fire.

I couldn’t let her filth soil my land any further.

“Face me like a true Spider and not the coward you are!” I challenged, balling my hands tightly as my feet began to move.

Her blazing eyes narrowed, her tense body leaning forward to attack, only to realise that I wasn’t aiming for her.

I didn’t wait to see if she’d follow. I was in the Spider’s world before I gave her the chance to strike.

The light of the portal engulfed me, and the transportation lasted for a few heartbeats before I found myself speeding into her world. Her longer legs and superior speed meant she’d reach me in a few leaps if I faltered even a step.

The female Spider was behind me, screeching and hissing and emitting deadly heat, so I changed my tactic and launched myself into the trees.

She couldn’t jump as high as me. Trees were not to her advantage. She couldn’t jump from branch to branch or shoot up from the ground. She could only climb… fast.

“Elf!” Her voice had gone deeper, her eyes vicious as she realised I was heading to Eon’s land. They were the pits of hell, the fury of evil, the flames that crackled and roared and ruined everything they touched just like her blazing feet that left a trail of smoke and dried earth.

If she wanted to fight as fire, I would fight as water.

Eon’s land was to my advantage; I was familiar with the place. There was an endless supply of water, and that meant incredible power.

All she had was herself.

As soon as she took an ignited foot closer, I jumped into the large pool without going too far, feeling the shift in my entire being as I raised two thick tendrils with my hands. “Fight me, you hideous monster.”

Her fire flared as she let out a piercing bellow. Her left hand flung a fireball at me—a fireball that was gone in heartbeats as I squashed it between the two hands I created, watching its vapour rise.

I looked at her, noticing her hair everywhere, floating around and above her. But her face… it was no longer recognisable. She was completely on fire, her face hidden behind layers of orange and red and crackles and hisses. All I saw was the outline of her skull.

I looked down to see smoke rising from the ground she stood on. My eyes narrowed, and my upper lip curled back. The right strand of water followed my actions and curled itself into a fist, rising high in the air and moving towards the female Spider. Water slammed her down before she could raise her own burning threads, furious hissing and steam engulfing where I knew she was hunched over on the ground.

Fire was strong and deadly, true, but water was more powerful. If she was soaked, her skin would need to dry before she could ignite herself again. But the steam that would rise from her would gather in the sky; if enough was generated along with her high temperature, I would have rain.

I would have more water, more power.

There was a lot of steam right now.

When it cleared up just a little, she had gotten closer to me. I didn’t have enough time to react as she flung herself at me, my lack of reaction providing her with wide access to my neck which she grabbed with her two larger hands and squeezed with her claws.

The water strands collapsed as I gasped, losing my focus when my air supply suddenly vanished. She lifted me from the water, and I struggled for a brief moment until I felt her knees—her knees which I struck with my foot with as much force as I could. Her deafening shout was a knife slicing its way from each side of my head, cutting down nerves and wires and forcing my brain to blank out.

What registered in my brain, however, was something scraping my shins during my drop and the female Spiderfalling.

Ignoring the dull ringing and muted sounds in my ears, I lunged for my enemy and straddled her chest, grasping her thicker neck as hard as I could with my own small hands before slamming her head down as far as I could under the water. Bubbles rose to the surface as I increased the force of the water on her body, watching with glowing eyes and limbs as she struggled to move her own limbs.

Even though I was under the water with her, I could breathe, could see, could somewhat hear her movements along with the flow of water and the bubbles escaping her lips as she tried to make noise.

But she wasmyprey now, and the wide panic in her dimming eyes told me she knew it, too.

I would douse this fire alive.

With all my focus on keeping her head underwater, I hadn’t anticipated her foot shooting up between us to ram into my stomach, sending me flying out of the water and landing on the grass with a sickening thud. A high-pitched cry escaped me, my body rolling repeatedly until I was on my stomach.
