Page 22 of Abel

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Abel glances over at me, winking. "She's also your girlfriend's best friend. Seems to me you'd wanna get on your girlfriend's good side."

"I stay on her good side." Boone smirks. "You're the one who needs to get on a good side."

His gaze heats up as he keeps his eyes on me. Only we know what's being shared between us, and it's an intimacy I want to have with him forever. "Trust me, Dad, I think I'm doing pretty well on my own. But if you're old body can't handle it, I'll hop under there."

Boone scoffs. "Go on big boy. Want me to hold your coat?"

Abel grins, unzipping his jacket, and handing it to his dad. "Thanks, don't hurt yourself."

Their relationship is one I wish I had with my parents. I don't say anything as Abel goes down to the ground, he rolls over onto his back and scoots underneath the truck. "When was it they did this?" He yells out.

"Some of it was done when I bought the truck, the rest the guy who sold it to me came and did last winter, because I was freezing, and the pipes froze." I'm trying not to notice how hot he looks with his knees bent, feet on the ground. It reminds me of when I was on top of him, the way he supported my back with his legs as I rode him. My cheeks heat and I pray that no one can figure out what's going through my head.

"Barrett, come down here and hold that light up where I can get a good look at it."

Barrett kicks Abel's foot, before he bends down. It's a move between life-long best friends. "Scoot over."

"Fucker, that hurt." Abel's voice is blocked by the truck.

The two of them are under there, talking, when both of them come out. "We need some foam wrap," Barrett says as he looks over at Boone.

"Yeah, there's no wrap around it at all. That should help a lot. As far as it being cold in there, you can get some foam insulation. That's not something we can do, but we know someone who can. For a quick fix, we can put some skirting on it. Kind of like what they do for a mobile home. It won't add heat, but it'll keep the heat you have under there, and anything that you produce inside won't escape. This should help. Let me get done with what we're doing this afternoon, and I'll come back."

"Thank you." I hitch my head toward the front of the truck. "Go ahead and get your food. I let Rachelle know y'all are on the house."

"I'll be up there in a minute," Abel says to his dad and friend.

Once the two of them are out of sight, Abel plunges his fingers into my hair, and pulls my body toward him. We move as one until I'm pressed against the back of the truck. He leans in, lips capturing mine. This isn't a normal work day for me, but I could get used to it quickly. When he pulls back, I sigh. "You can stop by and interrupt my work day any time you want."

"Don't tempt me, I've already gained ten pounds in the last year that I've been coming here."

"It looks good on you." I smirk. "Food is my love language. I like to feed people I care about."

"You can feed me any day of the week."

"Abel, we gotta head out here in a few." Boone yells.

He sighs. "We have a lot of shit to do today. Like more than we thought. The owners of this house added a page of changes they want to make, and what's really the fucking eleventh hour and we're all annoyed. I'll come back when we get done, and take care of the pipes. There's some materials I can use from the job site, but I'll need to go buy the rest of it."

"Don't do it by yourself. Let me know when you'll be out here, and I'll come meet you. You're doing it for me."

"We're gonna be late, more than likely. I'll come pick you up. That good with you?" He hooks his fingers into the belt loops on my jeans, yanking me closer.

"Perfect with me. C'mon, let me get you your lunch. The quicker you get out of here, the quicker we can see each other tonight." I stand up on my tiptoes and give him a soft kiss. "See you later. Thank you again."

"You never have to thank me. I'm happy to help you."

He drops a kiss to my temple and then heads to the front of the truck. A small smile plays against my lips as I watch him leave. If this is what happiness is like, I never want to give it up.



It's getting dark when I pull up to Kara's. This is the time of year I hate the most, when we lose daylight so soon, and we have to be creative in the ways we get our work done. She's out the door, and heading toward my truck, before I can shut the engine off. I lower the passenger side window. "Let me come over there and help you in."

"No." She shakes her head, with a grin. "I got it."

It's funny to see her hop up, and grab the ‘oh shit’ handle. I should know by now, there's absolutely nothing she can't do. She settles into the seat, situating herself before buckling in. "I should've known."
