Page 40 of Abel

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He walks me down the tracks to almost the very end. As we walk, I notice that there are names all over the metal. Some are faded with time, others are new and bright as if they were just done a few days ago. When we get to the end, there is some empty metal. From his pocket, he produces two sharpies. One is black and the other is pink. "The omen is, if you write your name on here, and it's still visible in a year, then you're going to be together forever. So, when we write our names, we need to take a picture of it, so we know where to come back next year."

This is just as cool as getting to wear a boyfriend's letterman jacket. "Okay, are you going to write our names, or am I?"

"I will." He steps up to the side and in his manly scrawl writes Abel (hearts) Kara along with the date.

"The pink was for the heart?" I smile widely at him.

"It was, I figured it'd help us be able to find it again too. Now..." He steps toward me. "We seal it with a kiss."



"You would think these fuckers would be able to demo a house," I grumble as Barrett and I walk into the new project we're working on. "I hate to report them, because of Dad’s role in the company, ya know? But they should've had this done before we walked in here."

"No, I totally agree with you. They're not pulling their weight, and your dad is going to have to make heads roll sooner or later."

I love working for Hank, I see why Dad's been loyal to him, but some of these new employees fucking suck. I place a call to Dad's cell. He answers, and I move into what's pissed me off. "Those sons of bitches from the temp crew were supposed to demo this house on Euclid. They didn't finish. There's shit everywhere. It's halfway done, and a fuckin' wreck. What do you want us to do?"

"Are you kidding me? I went over there yesterday, and they were working."

"Yeah, they seem to have probably stopped right after you left," I sigh heavily.

"I'm firing them. If you've got a friend or two who needs some extra money, please let me know."

The only person I can think of is Nolan; he does concrete and asphalt work. Right now it's too cold, and being a single dad, there's no doubt he probably needs a few dollars. "Let me call Nolan. You paying him in cash?"

"Yeah, I don't have time to hire somebody, and I don't wanna fuck up his unemployment. If you can get him out here, I'll pay him twenty-five an hour, cash."

"Perfect, I'll give him a call. Then Barrett and I will get started. This is going to put us back a couple days at least."

He sighs heavily, just like I did a few minutes ago. I can see him as a core memory, rubbing at his forehead. "Fuck. Alright, I'll call Hank, and get Alexis to update the client. Get what you can done, and I'll take care of everything else on my end."

"Alright, let's get to work." I tag Barrett on the chest.

* * *

Four hours later, my stomach is growling like I haven't eaten in a week. "Let's go get lunch."

"I got a text that Get Baked has fresh sandwiches today." Barrett holds up his phone.

"You're talking about sandwiches as much as I used to talk about tacos." I give him a smirk.

"Gabby and I matched on Tinder not long ago. We went out on a date." He admits. "We had a good time, and while we haven't gone out again, we've been texting. I just like to remind her I'm here."

"Somehow I don't think she's going to be able to forget you. You have a way of reminding people that you're around no matter what."

"Ouch." He grabs hold of his chest. "That's slightly painful, and you're supposed to be my best friend."

"I am your best friend, but that doesn't mean I'm going to kiss your ass. You and I both know you don't have the best luck with women, but I've seen you with her before. She may be the one who can put up with your shit. We can go over there and get lunch if you want."

"I was hoping you'd say that. I'm kinda sick of tacos, to be real honest, but I'll always support you in your endeavors to win a future."

This is the one thing I know about him. He will always be my wingman.

* * *

When we walk into Get Baked, the smell hits me first. Sweet with a hint of the fresh bread she makes daily. Imagine my surprise when I see my girlfriend standing there, talking to Gabby. "What a surprise this is." I walk over to her, wrapping my arms around her neck. I lean in to put a kiss on her neck.
