Page 16 of True to You

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Chapter 9


I didn’t think I was going to be nervous to talk to Matt when I saw him, but I tried to play it as cool as I could. I thought he might try to talk to me during our sociology class, but he ended up catching up with me just after my first class. After our discussion, my nerves dropped. I couldn’t help but feel a little sympathetic towards him. He was so concerned with what everyone else was going to think of him. That’s no way to live life. Plus, I always thought Carter Dixon was his best friend. That boy had his named dragged through so much mud this year; he was in no position to make fun of Matt for liking the things he liked. But maybe Carter isn’t his best friend. Either way, whoever he is, he would be the biggest jerk on the planet to act like that. I’ve had friends like that in the past. Had being the operative word.

What did catch me a little by surprise was how comfortable I was around him. It’s true, I loved the scruff he had under his chin during the convention, but I don’t think I would’ve ever told him, much less touched his face, before this past weekend. Not that I have a problem flirting with cute boys, but this is Matt Hillard. And I’m Izzy Jacobs, Woodbridge’s resident nerd. But seeing him so trounced as he tried explaining things to me—explanations that still don’t sit right or make complete sense—made him seem downright normal. Not Mr. Pop Jock or class president. Just Matt; a nerd like me. And I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy sliding my thumb over his chin.

He doesn’t say anything to me during our class and by the time school’s over I haven’t given him a second thought. That is until I’m filming my new video. Veronica knocks on my bedroom door as I’m talking to the camera and quietly sits on my bed. She and Cindy come over so much, they let themselves into the house.

“It was amazing, you guys,” I speak to the camera. “So, I’ll show you some footage here. The Marvel booth had some awesome props from the movies and wait until you see the footage from the cosplay contest. Side note, Iron Man was the hottest. That probably factored into him winning.” I give the camera a wink.

“There’s no way Iron Man was the hottest,” Veronica chimes in as I hook up my phone to my laptop. “Not, unless it was actually RDJ under the helmet. Was it?”

“No, but he was insanely cute.” I smile, biting my tongue to not say any more.

“Oh.” She smiles. “You take any pictures?”


“How lame. Izzy, you know our rule; if hot boys are around, you snap a pic. No questions asked.”

I can’t contain my laughter. “V, I think that’s your rule. And you usually enforce it when we’re at the beach.”

“Well, can you blame me?”

“What are you doing here?”

“I was bored.” She leans back on my bed. “Want to go to the mall?”

“Girl, I still have homework from calculus, English, and I have to finish uploading the video.”

“Please,” she begs. “I’ll treat for froyo.”

“Why do you want to—” I cock my head to the side. “Wait a second, are you still trying to get that guy to ask you out.”

“No,” she denies, but looks away.

“Yes, you are.”

“Okay.” She falls back on my bed. “But he’s so cute.”

“V, this isn’t the 1800s. Don’t wait for him to ask, just ask him yourself.”

“No way, girl. Not that I’m above asking a guy out, but if he doesn’t ask, then what else won’t he do.” She wiggles her eyebrows again.

“You say that like you’re super experienced or something.” She scoffs while I laugh. “Fine, we can’t stay long though. I really do have to finish this stuff.”

She jumps up from my bed, wrapping her arms around me. “Did I ever tell you I love you?”

“Not today.”

“I love you.” She kisses me on the cheek, making us both giggle as we leave my room.

We get to the galleria and head straight to the frozen yogurt stand, where Veronica’s guy works. He looks like he’s still in high school, but we haven’t seen him around Woodbridge, so either he recently graduated, or goes to a different school. It doesn’t matter though because as we’re standing in line, the girl in front of us leans over the counter for a kiss. Veronica’s mouth drops.

“Well, I guess that answers that question,” I whisper to her, as she steps towards the counter.

“What can I get for you?”
