Page 16 of Royal Compromise

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Joe laughs, a glint of mischief in his eyes. “Cade, my man, prepare to witness the master at work.”

The bowling balls roll down the lanes, striking pins with varying degrees of success. The air is filled with cheers and good-natured taunts as the game unfolds. Amidst the laughter, I catch glimpses of Aria, her eyes reflecting a mixture of amusement and nostalgia.

During a break between rounds, Aria and I find ourselves momentarily alone as Joe and Rose grab snacks and share laughs. The bowling alley’s neon lights cast a playful glow on our surroundings.

“Remember the days when we used to come here as kids?” Aria’s voice carries a hint of wistfulness.

I nod, a fond smile playing on my lips. “Yeah, those were simpler times. No complicated emotions, just the joy of knocking down pins and celebrating small victories.”

Aria chuckles, her eyes meeting mine. “We were quite the bowling duo back then. Always aiming for the perfect strike.”

The memories of carefree laughter and shared moments tug at the threads of our conversation. It’s a delicate dance between the past and the present, a reminder of a connection that once felt unbreakable.

As we resume the game, the friendly competition intensifies. Aria and I exchange light banter and playful glances, a fleeting sense of normalcy in the midst of tangled emotions.

However, as the rounds progress, the weight of unspoken sentiments becomes palpable. Aria’s smiles, though genuine, carry a trace of something unspoken—a longing and a hesitation. The complexity of our history lingers beneath the surface, a silent undercurrent amid the lighthearted atmosphere.

During one particularly intense round, Aria manages to secure a strike, and cheers erupt from our group. As the celebration subsides, I catch her gaze, a flicker of warmth passing between us.

“I guess some things never change,” she says, her voice soft with a hint of nostalgia.

The evening unfolds with a mix of laughter, cheers, and occasional playful teasing. However, as the night progresses, a subtle shift occurs. Aria’s laughter, though genuine, carries a tinge of restraint. It becomes apparent that the echoes of the past weigh heavier on her than the casual facade suggests.

During a momentary pause, I notice Aria stepping aside, her eyes fixed on the illuminated scoreboard. Sensing her need for a moment alone, I decide to give her space.

Walking away from the lively atmosphere, I find solace in a quiet corner of the bowling alley. The memories of our shared history become a poignant backdrop to the present, and a sense of regret settles within me.

As I wander toward the restroom, I encounter Joe, who seems to sense the turmoil within.

“Cade,” he says, his expression thoughtful, “mind if I join you for a moment?”

I nod, appreciating the camaraderie we share. Inside the restroom, the muted sounds of the bowling alley fade away, leaving us in a cocoon of subdued lighting.

Joe leans against the sink, his eyes studying mine. “I can see something’s eating at you. You want to talk about it?”

I sigh, grappling with the weight of my emotions. “Joe, it’s just...everything with Aria. The tension—the unresolved feelings. It’s eating me up, man.”

Joe nods, a knowing look in his eyes. “I get it, Cade. But you can’t force things to move faster than they’re meant to. Aria needs time and pushing her right now might only make it harder.”

The truth in his words resonates, though the impatience within me rebels against wisdom. “Joe, I don’t know what to do. Every time I try to approach her, it feels like there’s this invisible barrier. I want to figure out how to overcome everything and talk again, but I also don’t want to make things worse.”

Joe places a reassuring hand on my shoulder. “Cade, love is a tricky thing. It takes time, patience, and understanding. You’ve got to give Aria the space she needs to figure things out. Maybe then, when the time is right, you can have an open conversation.”

The restroom door swings open, and the distant sounds of the bowling alley seep into our conversation. Joe gives me a reassuring smile. “Just remember, you can’t control everything. Sometimes, you’ve got to let life unfold and trust that things will find their way.”

His words linger as I watch him leave the restroom, leaving me alone with my thoughts. The echoes of the bowling alley seem to echo the complexities of my emotions, and I grapple with the uncertainty that shrouds the path ahead.

The night, though filled with laughter and shared moments, leaves me with an awareness that the path ahead is uncertain, and the echoes of the past may take time to fade.

Chapter seven


As the days unfold, the tension between Cade and me lingers like an unspoken melody, creating a symphony of emotions that resonate through the small town. Amidst the whirlwind of emotions, Rose, the radiant bride-to-be, seeks solace from the stresses of wedding planning.

One evening, Rose, with a touch of weariness in her eyes, approaches me. “Aria, I need a favor. I know it’s a lot to ask, but could you go over to the beach hotel this weekend and check it out? I’m not sure about the rooms, and I need someone I trust to give me the lowdown.”

Her request catches me off guard, but I nod, offering her a reassuring smile. “Of course, Rose. I’ll take a look and make sure everything is in order.”

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