Page 23 of Lone Hearts

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I raise an eyebrow. “What?” I ask. I exhale, still frustrated, but not at the prospect of him stalking me—I’m frustrated at the fact that even in sweats and a T-shirt, scrubbing feces out of a pen, he looks freaking amazing. How can he pull that off? And why is my heart racing so much at the sight of him?

“Just thinking that you look good no matter what you wear… or what you don’t.”

I open my mouth to protest, but he winks, strolls down the cement walkway, and walks right out the door to the outside area, dogs barking all around us.

I stand in the ruckus, staring at the space where he used to be. Coincidence, stalking, or fate, it doesn’t matter. This guy’s under my skin. I stomp back to the cat room, needing some time in the cuddle room to get my stress levels down. Sitting back in the cuddle room with Felix this time, stroking his long gray fur, I think about Cash even though I don’t want to.

I have to admit, it’s nice to know that despite his overt cockiness, he’s got some warmth in his heart. I mean, a man who volunteers at a shelter? A man who clearly likes animals? If I were looking for a partner—which I’m clearly not—that would be a big checkmark.

But it doesn’t matter. I’m not looking. It’s ridiculous to even think about it.

When my shift is done and I’m saying goodbye to my favorites, whispering a silent hope that they find their forever home this week, I hear footsteps coming toward me. I look up to see Cash calmly ambling in the cat room.

I cross my arms. “This is my area.”

“I know. But I’m coming to see if you might be willing to switch teams for a half hour.”

“What?” I ask, shaking my head.

“I’ve got three dogs left to walk, and one is quite a handful. Not so good on the leash. I wanted to see if you could give me a hand, take the two little guys so they all get their turn before the shelter closes.”

I uncross my arms. “Wait, you walked all the dogs?”

“All fourteen of them.”

“How did you manage that in this amount of time?”

“I walked a couple at a time.”

“Even Rosco? And Bruiser?” Rosco and Bruiser are our longest residents because, well, let’s just say they’re not always the friendliest with men.

“Yeah. It was easy. Nothing to it if you’re a pro with dogs like me. Now what do you say? Walk with me?”

I roll my eyes, grinning. “How is it that even when you’re being charitable, you’re arrogant?”

“It’s not arrogance if it’s founded in reality.”


“So are you in? Or am I going to have to tell Mr. Cheeky and Bobo that they aren’t getting a walk today?”

“Fine. One walk. But it’s for the dogs.”

“Of course,” he says, grinning with his hands up. I sigh, following him to the dog room, walking past Janice on the way.

“Glad to see you two getting along,” she says, winking.

I shake my head. “We’re not.”

“If you say so,” she says, turning to the filing cabinet as I follow Cash outside to the dog runs.

* * *

“Maybe you should takehim home for Killer,” I say as we put Bobo back in his cage, making sure he has food and water an hour later.

“I mean, his name isn’t Killer for nothing. Pretty sure Bobo needs a home with a nicer brother.”

We’ve finished our walk, and Janice is getting ready to lock up. I have to admit, even though I’m a self-proclaimed cat lady, spending time out in the sunshine with the three dogs was pretty awesome. Although maybe it was the company I’m keeping.
