Page 24 of Lone Hearts

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Walking with Cash was fun and easy. There was no need to impress, no small talk. Just simple fun, laughs, and a whole lot of barking as Cash tried to show off his dog training abilities—and failed miserably.

I say goodbye to Janice as Cash and I walk out to our cars.

“So,” he says, hands in the pockets of his sweatpants as he stands near my car.

“So,” I repeat.

“Do you maybe want to get a drink? I mean, after all that barking, I could use something to take the edge off.”

“Can’t. Sorry.”

Cash sighs, rolling his eyes. “Come on. I know it’s not your thing. But I’m not half bad, right? I mean, look, you survived an entire hour with me on that walk, and you didn’t go running away. That’s a good sign, right? I’m not that terrible.”

“I never said you were.”

“But it’s not your thing,” Cash murmurs, shaking his head.

“No, drinking is definitely my thing.”

“Not with a guy. Too date-like.”

“Not in sweatpants when I smell of cat pee and dog kennels.”

“Oh,” he replies.

“And you’re right, too date-like. Wouldn’t want you getting the wrong idea. Volunteering together is one thing. Going out for drinks—too risky.”

I open my car door, but he puts a hand on it.

“Coffee? How about a cup of coffee? I saw a tiny dump of a shop on the way over here. It’s like a block away. Coffee is nonthreatening. Hell, I bet even Janice goes for coffee after work. What do you say? One cup.”

I grin. “Do you ever give up?”


I bite my lip, shaking my head. This seems like a terrible idea. Cash Creed is already worming his way into my life way, way too much. But I don’t know. I did like talking to him on the walk. And a cup of coffee seems pretty mild. I have coffee with tons of people in a week.

“One cup. But this isn’t a date.”

“Obviously,” he says. “I mean, look at that outfit you’re wearing. I wouldn’t be caught dead on a date with a woman dressed like that.”

I pinch his arm, but he just laughs. “You’re not looking so hot yourself,” I reply.

“I think your eyes dancing over me as I was cleaning the kennel say otherwise.”

“You’re such an ass,” I say.

“An ass you’re having coffee with.”

“Don’t push it,” I argue. I hop into my car and shut the door, Cash heading to his car. That man is infuriating and ridiculous.

But on the one-block drive to the aptly named Coffee Hole, I find myself grinning stupidly at him, at our day, at our bantering.

It feels good to have a man who can run with me, who can keep up with me. And even if I don’t want to admit it, I’m a little excited at the prospect of unwinding for a while, learning more about him, and sipping some probably terrible coffee in a dumpy little shop with a sexy man in sweatpants.

“You better not tell anyone about this. I don’t want word getting around that Sage Everling is getting all romantic,” I murmur when I get out of my car and follow Cash inside.

“Darling, look at this place. I don’t think the word ‘romantic’ would ever come to mind. If anyone saw us right now, they’d be more likely to think you’re involved in a drug ring.”
