Page 50 of Lone Hearts

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“As in we’ve had an uptick in tenant complaints. About facilities breaking, about some of the renters, and maybe about the fact I forgot to check the voicemail for Grandad’s phone number and there were about twenty unanswered issues.”

“Are you serious, Cash?”

“I’m serious,” I admit. I sigh. “Look, in my defense, I told you I wasn’t cut out for this.”

“And I told you I needed you to be. Cash, you know things are crazy with Jodie’s writing and with Wild Hearts. I thought you said you had it under control.”

“I thought I did. But I guess running this place and all the other rentals is harder than I thought. I just, I wanted you to be aware so I don’t leave you with a shitstorm on your hands. Thought you could help me get a handle on it so it’ll be easier when I have to pass it off.”

Levi blinks, tilting his head. “Pass it off? What do you mean?”

Now it’s my turn to be surprised. I lean in on the paper-covered desk. “I mean at the end of summer, when I go home.”

There is a lengthy pause.

“What?” I ask when Levi just continues to stare, looking like he’s seen the ghost of Grandpa.

“I just…. Wow. I just thought with all this Sage stuff and how you were fitting in with all of our crew, I don’t know, Cash. I just thought maybe you were fixing to settle in here.”

I laugh, shaking my head. “What? Me? Settling down? Levi, hold up. I told you at the beginning of all this that I was staying temporarily. This is your gig, not mine.”

Levi crosses his arms. “But what’s back in Texas for you? Some hours in the law offices with Mom and Dad, doing the same thing every day? Screwing the same women over and over and yet feeling lonely? I don’t know, Cash. I just thought maybe you were building something here that you’d want to hang on to.”

“Dammit, Levi,” I say, my temper flaring. “I told you when I took this not to get used to me being here, that it was for a short period of time. This isn’t me. What, you think doing a half-assed job running rental properties is what I imagined for myself? It’s been fun, real fun. But I never planned on staying here. This is your dream, buddy. Not mine.”

Levi sighs. “I’m sorry. I just, well, it’s been nice having you here. I’d hoped that Sage changed your mind.”

“You know I don’t operate like that. Yeah, Sage and I have something. And hell, it might even turn into a serious something. But you also know I’m the last man in the world to make a decision based on a woman. And I know she’s the same. That’s why we were both so hesitant to start this whole thing. Look, just because it’s moved beyond one night doesn’t mean it’s anything more than fun.”

Levi chuckles now, and I’m pissed again. “What the hell’s so funny?”

“Sorry, it’s not you, not really. It’s just, well, I know another Texan who said the exact same thing not too long ago. And hell, that guy was screwed and didn’t even know it. Sometimes, brother, someone comes along and changes everything you thought you knew about yourself. I’m just saying don’t be surprised if things shake up differently than you planned.”

Before I can refute what he said or get angry or punch him, he’s calmly striding across the office to the door.

“Wait up, what about all this tenant shit?”

Levi peeks back in the door. “You’re smart, Cash. You’ll figure it out. And if you don’t, who cares, right? After all, this is all just temporary.” He tips his hat like the cocky son-of-a-bitch he sometimes is, grins, and strolls right on out, leaving me to stew at the office window wondering why the thought of settling in here has me so fuming mad.

Or maybe now that I’m alone with my thoughts I can admit a scarier reality—it’s not anger I’m feeling.

It’s terror.
