Page 67 of Wrath

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Immediately something unknotted in her belly, and the pressure in her head eased. Maybe he had some kind of healing magic in his skin, or maybe it was just having him close?

Rosabella shot to her feet. “Well, then. I think I’ve said everything I came here to say.” She shot Eddie a loaded look. “I’ll go and find my mother.”

Shade watched until Rosabella had disappeared, and her feet clattered down the stairs.

“I don’t think she’s going to find Dee,” Eddie murmured. Shade was so warm, and her body seemed to nestle itself into him without her brain being one hundred percent on board with the idea. Then again, she had a headache, so her brain was probably on the fritz anyway. He smelled amazing, honey and musk with that sensual jasmine undertone. He smelled like safety and comfort, and other things her body had no business reminding her about. “Don’t you have a gathering happening?”

“Eh.” He shrugged. “We supernaturals are not known for our time keeping skills, and there are still a few key players missing.” He smoothed her hair off her forehead. “The lads told me she was upsetting you.”

She shot Cronus a look.

He yawned.

“Yeah.” She kept it casual, not wanting to relate the conversation about Shade to Shade. “But she’s Rosabella, so I’m used to it.”

“You should let Xerxes eat her.” Humor warmed Shade’s tone.

Xerxes drew his lips back and licked his chops as if he’d tasted something nasty.

Eddie laughed, and Shade’s laughter rumbled through her ear pressed against his chest. He kissed the top of her head. “Are you okay?”


“Liar,” he murmured and tucked her into his side. “Let me guess.” He hummed. “Rosabella would like to warn you about the dangers of hell princes.” Cocking his head, he studied Cronus and then chuckled. “Sorry, demons. That we are not to be trusted and will break your heart without breaking a sweat.”

“Well…yes.” Heat climbed up her neck and over her face. With her mouthy hounds, he would never need to eavesdrop.

“She wanted to warn you not to make the same mistakes she did,” Shade continued, his big palm caressing her arm from wrist to shoulder. “And that ultimately you should kick me to the curb.”

“Would that be possible?”

“Kicking me to the curb?” Shade adjusted his position to look at her face. “I mean, you could try. Like I’ve said before?—”

“Nephilim are rare and thus unknown.”

He hugged her tighter. “And here I thought you weren’t really listening.”

“I listened.” Eddie found comfort in the steady beat of his heart.

“Did you also listen when I told you that I had already lost my heart to you?”

Everything in her wanted to believe that, but she still harbored that bit of doubt. If she gave herself fully to Shade, he had the power to destroy her. And not only in the world ending kind of way. He would end her world if he left her. “You also said you would court me.”

“This isn’t courtship?” He cocked his head and met her gaze, humor dancing in his eyes.

“There’s a concerning lack of flowers.” Eddie loved this playful side of him. It called to something in her that wanted to come out and play. “And bringing me meals on a tray is not the same as wining and dining me.”

“Hmm.” Shade made a show of thinking over her words. “The lads have clearly been leading me wrong.”

Cronus grumbled and closed his eyes again.

“I get it, Eddie.” His tone turned serious. “You’re not ready, and that’s fine with me. I have time on my hands, and you are worth every moment of waiting.”

Chapter Twenty-Five

Wrath took a seat in the greenroom as far away from Ramiel as the small room would allow. The theatre humans were busy doing something in the bigger rehearsal space, which would have been better suited to all the thundering egos about to trap themselves in a plasterboard box.

He hadn’t seen Haziel since they’d returned, which was odd because she’d said she would be here, and it wasn’t like her not to do what she said she would. And he knew all too well that she couldn’t lie. Still, he’d been preoccupied with Eddie and getting her healed. Ramiel had helped with that, their joint powers merging and packing more healing than his alone. If Ramiel hadn’t done it with the air of a sanctimonious bible thumper, Wrath might have found it in himself to say thank you.
