Page 87 of Evidence of Truth

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Silas’s eyes widened. “For me?”

“Yup.” Killian handed him the bag. “Open it.”

Silas opened the bag and peered in. He looked at Killian with tears in his eyes. “Thank you.” He pulled out Teddy. “I thought I’d never see him again.” Silas leaned over and hugged Killian.

“You’re welcome. We knew how important the bear was to you. So are you ready to go shopping?”


Killian navigated through the heavy traffic downtown, heading for the mall. Silas kept a running commentary on every minute he spent in school. Killian smiled to himself. Who knew kids were so observant?

Finally, they approached the mall. Killian lucked out and found a parking space near one entrance. It was still early, so they had that going for them. He got out and opened the door for Silas, who had already shed the seat belt.

They walked into the modern-looking façade and were instantly hit with jazzy music, the scents of cinnamon from a bakery, popcorn, fried chicken, coffee, and voices from what seemed like a gazillion people. Killian hadn’t ever been in a mall, never saw the need to dodge through shoppers and listen to crappy music just to buy something. Silas’s eyes were wide as he took in the shoppers, the stores, the escalators, and the glass-enclosed elevator.

There was something for everyone—many women’s and men’s clothing stores, shoe stores, a movie theater, sporting goods, jewelry stores, toy stores, and all interspersed with places to eat. Killian saw a Lego store he thought Silas would particularly like to visit.

He looked down at Silas, whose mouth was open wide and just staring. “Wow, Mr. Killian. This mall has everything.”

“How about getting a snack first?” Killian asked.

Silas nodded vigorously.

They stopped at a frozen yogurt kiosk, and Killian bought a small cup for Silas. Then they walked over to another kiosk to get a cup of coffee for him. There were plenty of comfortable seats placed around. They grabbed a couple in the middle of the mall and enjoyed the sights and sounds of people spending money and enjoying themselves. Soft piano music played in the background.

“Where are we going first?” asked Silas. Some of his chocolate yogurt had missed his mouth, and Killian leaned over with a napkin to wipe it up.

“Well, first, I wanted to talk to you man to man.”

Silas cocked his head, his brow furrowed. Then he sat up straighter in the chair, looking ready for a serious conversation. Killian inwardly smiled.


Killian exhaled. “I’d like your permission to ask Anne to marry me.”

Silence. Killian could see Silas thinking about it. “Does she want to marry you?”

“Good question.” Killian mentally smiled. “I hope so. Since I love her, and she loves me.” Killian shrugged. “I think it’s a good bet.”

“Hmmm.” Silas rubbed his chin like a little old man.

The little guy was really ratcheting the suspense up.

“I guess that would be all right,” he finally said with a smile. Then his smile slipped. “Does that mean Anne will give me back to Miss Lily?”

Killian’s heart stopped. He never thought Silas would think a proposal meant they would cut him out of their lives.

“That’s a big fat no.” Killian took Silas’s hand. “You are an important part of our lives. Living somewhere else is something you never have to worry about. Anne loves you. I love you. You and Anne are a package deal.” He leaned over and lifted Silas’s chin so they looked into each other’s eyes. “Okay?”

Silas nodded.

“I need to hear the words, son,” said Killian.


Killian stood. “Good. I want your help in picking out an engagement ring for her. But you have to promise to keep it a secret. I haven’t asked Anne yet, and she might still turn me down.”

Silas giggled.
