Page 49 of Dark of Night

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She gasped when his big hand cupped her jaw, and he ran his thumb over her lower lip. “My pretty human. Eleanor. Eleanor Whitman.”

“Wes,” Eleanor said, her voice a little shaky. “Um, you’re kind of freaking me out a bit.”

His golden eyes flashed in the light from the window, and he pressed a light kiss against her mouth. “Do not fear your mate, sweet human.”

“Mate?” she said. “Uh oh.”

Wes’s nostrils flared, and his eyes returned to their normal blue. He straightened and backed up a few steps, rubbing one hand over his jaw. “Shit.”

“Do we need to have sex, so you don’t go crazy?” Eleanor said.

He stared blankly at her. “What? No, why?”

“Because I’m pretty sure I just talked to your lion, and he said he was my mate. But you don’t think you’re my mate, and Daisy said when that happened to Cooper, he started going insane. She had to bang him to snap him out of it.”

“I… I’m not… that is… my lion doesn’t think he’s your mate.”

“Pretty sure he does, dude,” Eleanor said. “So, just let me know when the insanity starts to set in, and I’ll give you a good boning.”

The blush in Wes’s cheeks was friggin’ adorable. She grinned at him as he cleared his throat and grabbed some lunch meat from the fridge. “I’ll get started on the sandwiches. You cancel your appointments.”

She typed silently for a few minutes. “Do you think I should cancel Monday’s too?”

“Yes,” Wes said. “Tuesday as well.”

Her rent-paying ability dwindled with every client she cancelled. Still, she didn’t have much choice. She cancelled Monday’s appointments but couldn’t bring herself to cancel Tuesday’s. “Are you sure I can’t help you make lunch or -”

The doorbell rang, and she froze with her mug halfway to her mouth. Wes growled deep in his throat and left the kitchen. “Wait here, Eleanor.”

She stood and followed him to the door, pulling out the pocketknife and clicking it open. Wes glanced over his shoulder. “I told you to wait in the kitchen.”

“You might need my help,” Eleanor said.

“I appreciate the thought, but again, that knife wouldn’t cut through bread.”

“As soon as we take care of whoever’s at the door, I’m cutting my sandwich with this knife, just to prove you wrong,” Eleanor said.

“Take care of? We’re not the mafia, Eleanor,” Wes said.

That made her laugh despite her anxiety. Wes looked through the peephole, and the tension left his shoulders. “It’s Coop and Chase.”

He opened the door. “Hey, come on in.”

The two men stepped inside. Wes said, “Eleanor, this is Chase Stover. He works at the security firm.”

“Hi, Eleanor. I like your knife,” Chase said with a grin.

She blushed and folded up the knife before sticking it back in her pocket. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you.”

Chase was cute with dark hair and hazel eyes and a smoking hot body. She was confident that there was a six pack underneath the Shadow Security golf shirt he wore. Usually, that would get her salivating, but either her lady parts were completely broken, or they were only activated by Wes and his six pack now.

“It’s nice to meet you too. I’ve heard lots about you from Daisy,” Chase said.

Wes growled deep in his throat, and the frosty look he gave Chase was enough to make the younger man take a step back.

“Wes,” Cooper said, “relax, buddy.” The tattooed lion shifter smiled at Eleanor. “Is that coffee I smell?”

Wes took a deep breath before jerking his head in the direction of the kitchen. “Come into the kitchen, and we’ll get you caught up on what’s happened.”
