Page 89 of Mad Love

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“She’s also scared,” he says. “She’s cornered but she won’t admit that. She’s not thinking clearly and she’s going to make some bad decisions. I can only do so much, Arch. I need you to be there when I blink.”

I take a step back. As much as I think I know Lilah, I’ve only known her for a short time. Dante’s her big brother. He knows everything I do and more because he was there when it happened. He’s been there since the day she was born. I may never know her or understand her or love her as much as he does but he’s putting his trust in me that I might someday.

I nod. “All right.”

Dante studies me. “Do you really care about her?”

“I do.”

“Then, prove it.” He turns away. “Keep my baby sister alive and I will never question you again.”

“That’s one tall order.”

He smiles to one side. “Well, if you weren’t up for it, why are you even out here?”

I take a moment to let that sink in as he walks to his car. Lucy stares back from the front seat and smiles, looking relieved that we managed to interact without him striking me again. Progress is progress.

“We’ll be right behind you,” I say.

Dante nods at me before lowering himself into the driver’s seat.

He’s right. I made a choice the moment I set foot out here, one not easily taken back. Loving Lilah Hart won’t be simple. Embracing her means accepting all of her, from Snake Eyes to her brothers to the complex lives they live. They’re willing to make a place for me here and that’s more than I can say about anyone else whose come and gone in my life so far.

Lucy Vaughn said it best.

Welcome to the family.

I walk down the dock toward Lilah, taking soft steps to try and sneak up on her but she calls me out before I even get close.

“Did he give you a scary big brother speech?”

“Rather tame, actually.” I smile. “I dare say, he might like me.”

She glances over her shoulder with amusement. “You’d be the first.”

I stand behind her and wrap one around her waist. Contrary to her brother’s belief, this woman needs no protector. If she did, it certainly wouldn’t be me, but I feel more than a little protective of her anyway. I lay my other arm over her shoulder to rest my palm on her heart, feeling the subtle tap of her pulse beneath my fingers.

Lilah lays her hand over mine and grips the sleeves of my jacket to hold it a little tighter around her.

“I won’t ask you again, love, but I need to just this once,” I say. “Are you all right?”

“Yeah,” she answers, her voice strong and warm. “I just wanted to take a last look.”

We stare out across the lake together. A gentle breeze whistles through the bright green trees. The water sits undisturbed, save for the occasional fish poking his head out and sending small ripples across the surface.

My heart skips. It really is quite beautiful here.

“We’re coming back,” I tell her. “I promise.”

Lilah turns her head and I kiss the edge of her mouth.

I’m not sure if she believes me or not but I couldn’t be more serious. That promise wasn’t just to her. It was to Dante and Lucy. To myself. And to Elijah, especially.

Lilah Hart deserves a future beyond this bloody mess.

I won’t stop until I give it to her.

I turn her around and take her hand, entwining our fingers together as I kiss her forehead. “Ready?” I ask.
