Page 13 of The Sunset Shores 2

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“If you ever want to swap coping mechanisms, feel free to stop by. Being a widow at our age, I’m fifty, is a tough one. It’s too old to start over and too young to give up,” Brian said.

Hayley was about to open her mouth to speak when they heard a beeping.

“That must be Louis. Seriously, come by the house once you get settled. You can meet Bernice, and she’ll let you wear one of her princess crowns,” Brian said.

“I’ll take you up on that. Thank you for all your help. My mother will be pleased to hear that we were rescued by a knight in shining armor,” Hayley said.

“I’m not sure I’m a knight in shining armor, but at least I’m a nice guy in a blue truck,” Brian said jokingly.

Louis put on a spare and gave them the address of his shop. He’d have it fixed in an hour, and they could come by to have it changed.

“It’s a heck of a way to begin your visit to St. Michaels, but you couldn’t have been helped by a nicer person. Seeing Brian walk through the square on Market Saturdays is the cutest thing. Those two are what love is all about. Bernice sashays in her princess dress as he proudly looks on.”

“We’ll see you in a couple of hours. Before then, we’ll poke around St. Michaels before going to our new home.”

“I’ll see you there,” Louis said.


Sophie didn’t think the Allen girls would mind her breaking into the basket.

She poured herself a glass of Riesling, which wasn't good enough to serve at Clive's but was passable. It was never her intention to become a wine snob, but it could hardly be helped. She knew a little about wine from her marriage to Roger, but it was Clive who taught her the most. He sent her on a journey of the palate from California to the Pacific Northwest, Western New York, and then to Europe. France and Spain were first, but her favorites were in the Piedmont region of Italy. Australian wines were a dazzling treat, and there were some tasty reds from Eastern Europe.

Sophie was lost in her wine reverie when she was snatched out of it by a knock at the door. If it was Joy Wilcox again, she'd be tempted to close the door in her face, although that wasn't her style. Her father had taught her to respect all people, even your enemies. It was one of the many things Sophie's dad had taught, along with the importance of honesty. It was all ironic now, considering the lies he had told.

“Surprise!” Evan stood on her threshold holding a bottle of wine. “If I’m coming at a bad time, please let me know.”

“No, I’d never turn away a man bearing gifts.” Sophie pulled open the screen door and took the bottle of Washington State Chardonnay from his hands.

“I didn’t see you on the reservation list and thought you could use a glass of wine. I imagine you’ve had a long day. I can see that someone beat me to it, and you already have a bottle open.”

“It’s gift basket wine and tastes like it. Now I have something to open with my new sisters when they arrive. Come, sit on the deck with me since I’m getting tired of talking to myself,” Sophie said.

“Were you having a good talk?” Evan asked.

His damp, black hair was longer on top and shorter on the sides. There were small bits of gray, but not enough to call it salt and pepper. It was his dimples that drew her in.

“Good enough, I suppose,” Sophie said.

“Like everyone else in St. Michaels, I know why you’re here. Even you don’t know how that’s going to turn out. Tell me about the part you do know. What was life like on Long Island?”

“Good memory, but I’ve spent most of my life in Brooklyn. The last few years have been a challenge. For starters, I divorced my husband of almost twenty-five years. He’s marrying his much younger assistant this week.”

“Did you get married when you were ten?” Evan asked.

“I’m forty-nine, but thank you for the compliment,” Sophie said. She felt her face warm because she wasn’t used to being complimented. “Then, of course, my father died, and I’m an only child, so I take care of my mother.”

Sophie continued to talk about herself, and Evan seemed to be genuinely listening. Laden was nice to spend time with, but he never seemed to care much about what she had to say. Two glasses of wine later, Evan knew Sophie’s life story.

“Mind if I comment on the life of Sophie Cast?” Evan asked.

“Go right ahead, but please don’t make me cry,” Sophie said only half-jokingly.

"I think you have a whole lot of untapped potential. You're smart, funny, and very pretty on top of it all. You gave years to a man who didn't deserve you, and it sounds like you raised an outstanding young man," Evan said.

Sophie was astounded. If she wasn’t mistaken, Evan might have been truly interested in her. “I’m at a distinct disadvantage here because I know nothing about you. Until I know, I can’t return the compliments.”

"My story is all about chasing a dream. I wanted to be a chef, and when that wasn't enough, I wanted to own my restaurant. I made a lot of mistakes along the way, and I'm tired of chasing. I want Brine to be it.
