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“Do you feel better?” I ask with a grin.

He pulls back from our kiss and looks down at me.

“Yeah… do you?”

My body feels better but my heart and mind are more confused than ever.

Between the fear of abandonment, the fear of getting caught for our fraudulent marriage, and that I am falling for my fake husband faster than should be possible… I’m not sure if I’m ok.

It’s a problem to solve tomorrow because tonight, I’m going to enjoy the man who just claimed me in so many ways.

“Yes. So much better,” I say.

“Are you hungry? My sister probably already ordered us food.”


Chapter Twenty-Three


Last night, after walking out of the bathroom only to meet—to my utter and complete mortification—a long line of angry men needing to use the restroom, we spent the rest of the night eating BBQ. Camden, Everett, and Harper made a game of who could outdo the other with bathroom sex puns.

Was I embarrassed by their little game?

A little.

Would I do it all over again if given the chance?


Seeing that possessive side of Ryker was the hottest thing I’ve ever witnessed a man do for me. If I had to pick one moment in time to re-live over and over again for the rest of my life… it would be that one.

The rest of the night, Ryker found ways to touch me and I leaned into it all. I don’t know what will happen when we get back home but I want to stay in this bubble for as long as I can.

“Morning.” I hear his voice behind me.

I turn to find him stretching his arms up over his head and a smile across his lips.

“Morning,” I echo.

He’s so sexy in the mornings with his hair all messy from sleep and his bare chest with that six pack that somehow always looks like he’s flexing.

“Are you ready for this today?”


He means breakfast at his mom’s… which sounds amazing. I am already falling in love with his family and it’s been less than 24 hours. But breakfast leads to the lesser-known Haynes Family Sledding Competition. Something I know nothing about, and something that Annie felt she needed an entire night last night of relaxation in order to handle today.

“There isn’t enough snow to do it, is there?”

“We don’t need snow. Camden just wets down the grass and we use inner tubes.”

Somehow that’s not reassuring.

“I wish you would tell me more about this competition today. How do I get ready for this? What am I supposed to wear?”

I almost prepare myself for him to tell me ‘bubble wrap’, but he just turns over onto his side to face me and wipes a strand of hair off my face.
