Page 133 of Eat Your Heart Out

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I managed to keep the phone screen from shattering, but not from breaking the case that held the phone. The glitter case now had a crack down the middle, and I noticed the flower on the back. It was a nice flower and reminded me of the way this girl smelled.


It was hard with all the beer in my system, and her holding me so close.

So warm. So soft.

I studied her as the phone rang in my ear. I’d found a contact labeled mom and called it. This girl needed her mother. She didn’t need me.

You’re so beautiful.

My mouth dried, and suddenly, someone spoke in my ear. It took me a second to respond to the girl’s mom. I got lost in all those imperfect freckles, studying them…

And how beautiful this girl looked when she slept.


Ares – the present

“You really messed this one up, big.”

I passed a glance over my shoulder, my sister behind me. She stood in the snow, out here in Dorian’s letterman jacket like it wasn’t cold as fuck.

I faced forward. “How did you find me?”

I’d come to the graffiti wall to be by myself, a history there. My dad had helped me use it as a way to channel my aggression when I’d been younger. We used to spray-paint it, and I’d get lost in that instead of in my head. Much later, my sister had joined us. We didn’t come to the wall a lot, but we did from time to time. It was our place, my dad, my sister, and me.

We’d invited Bru a time or two, but he didn’t do art for shit. Actually, that was like the only thing he sucked at when it came to school.

I rubbed my arms as Sloane arrived beside me, my own coat keeping me warm. It wasn’t blistering cold, but it was chilly. She shrugged. “No one had to tell me. We’re twins, remember?”

I eyed her, and she laughed.

She nudged me. “You know I can find your phone through the app. I tracked you.”

Of course, she had. None of us had any privacy, and honestly, none of us should. More than one of us in Legacy had a history of being separated. We didn’t let each other get lost anymore and having that locator app on our phones helped.

“And I would have come here too,” she said, her head cocked. “It’s a great place to think. Quiet.”

She knew why I was here, what had happened between Fawn and me. I’d told her, Bow, and the guys everything after Fawn had left.

She’d left.

I hadn’t blamed her. In fact, I’d given her another reason to when I’d sent my letter. She’d needed to know that detail about Kurt, and I’d known what I was doing when I’d sent the letter. I was letting her know it was okay to leave.

She should leave.

After I’d told Sloane, Bow, and the guys everything, I hadn’t continued on with the conversation. The only reason I’d told them at all was because I knew firsthand what withholding truths did. Lies ruined everything and had lost me the one thing I’d ever dared to let myself have.

My chest locked up just then, tight. The group of us had come home to Maywood Heights after the ski weekend. Everyone wanted to spend time with their folks before school started again. I did too, but I’d never felt such distance from Red. She was in New York with her family. She’d told me the information willingly. She’d said she thought it was best she spend the rest of break with her own family, and I remembered being happy that she’d told me. She didn’t have to, and maybe because she had, the pair of us had a chance still. We could still be together when she got back.

Like you deserve that.

I didn’t really, which was why I’d sent her the letter. Again, I’d known what I was doing when I’d sent it. Did I want that girl like I wanted fucking air? Hell, yes, but I also knew I didn’t deserve her. I’d done nothing but hurt her, and I was so fucking tired of doing that.

Beside me now, my sister squeezed her arms. “So, what are you going to do about everything with Fawn?”
