Page 48 of Eat Your Heart Out

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He drew forward. “Fawn...”

If he called my name one more fucking time, I’d break. I’d crack. Reality hit me in that instant, and the way I was wrestling my clothes on was all too familiar. That last time we were physically together I’d had to do that.

Once he was done with me.

He’d treated me like a whore then, and I took great satisfaction that I was returning the favor. I grabbed my camera after I clothed myself, leaving him, and refused to turn around when he called for me again.

“Fawn, please. I didn’t,” he started, his steps falling in behind me. He stopped. “I didn’t mean…”

I would never know what he was going to say. He didn’t finish, and I didn’t stick around to listen. Nothing but filth ever came from his mouth.


I wasn’t strong enough to hear any of it then and was proud of myself when I continued walking on to the house. I didn’t even stop when a roared, “Fuck!” blasted through the trees behind me. I felt the word in my bones, but I left its effect at the door of the Reed house. I closed the door to it.

Just like he’d closed the door to me.



“I slept with Wolf.”

Three days it took me to come find Bruno and tell him the truth.

Three. Freaking. Days.

He sat on his bed behind his laptop, but the moment I rushed in, out of breath and most likely red as hell, his brows jerked up. His mouth parted. “What?”

God, he was going to make me say it again. I rubbed my arm. “I slept with Wolf.”

Slept with were the wrong words. There was no sleeping. We’d fucked like animals, then I’d left him in the woods, ashamed as fuck and frustrated.

Why did I do that?

I hated him. Still hated him, yet for some reason I’d given my body over to him freely.

Bru had clearly heard me at this point, or at least understood me. He had a far-off expression on his face, and I think I only broke it because I eased over. “Bru?”

I suddenly felt vulnerable about being here, telling the truth. I’d wanted to tell him right after it happened.

So why didn’t you?

Maybe it was that same reason it had felt awkward to talk to him about all this before. Bru and I had a history, and in some ways, it was more complicated than the situation I had with Wolf. We’d been friends back then, good friends.

But there had been these moments.

I hadn’t been able to identify them back then. That was mostly due to trauma and how fucked in the head I’d been. My emotional damage hadn’t computed letting anyone in during that time period in my life, and when I’d been getting around to easing past that, Cissy Armstrong saw fit to crush my progress. She’d been into Bru back then and picked at me, gnawed until her jealousy drove me to do something stupid. She hadn’t liked my friendship with Bru and had hurt me because of it.

I’d hit back harder.

This was a simplification of the damage I’d ultimately done. I regretted the actions I’d taken to remedy my problem, but they had happened. I’d acted, and I’d been forced to leave my old school, and consequently, my friendship with Bru behind.

And now, things felt weird with him, and honest to God, probably because of me. I’d read into those little moments back then. Like they could have been something when they could have just as easily been the new kid being nice to the broken girl. Bru was nice, and now, I was making our adult friendship weird long after the feelings surrounding those tiny moments had passed. After I’d grown up and moved on.

After I’d gotten stupid and fallen in love.

The brevity of my stupidity hit in waves these days, and I hugged myself waiting for Bru’s response. He still didn’t have one, his hand running over his laptop.
