Page 119 of All The Wrong Plays

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Several cameras flash as I adjust the microphone, tilting it down and toward me.

“Anticipation about tomorrow’s final is at an all-time high right now, Will. How are you maintaining your focus, headed into such an important match?”

As soon as the first question gets called out, there are a few more flashes.

I run a hand through my damp hair before answering, “I’ve never had trouble maintaining focus during any game. Tomorrow won’t be any different. If you take a look at our performance throughout the tournament, I think that gives a good idea of what to expect from me and the rest of the US team. Our one goal is to be the team raising that trophy.”

“Even considering who your opponent will be?”

“Even then.”

“You played for Leon Wagner for two seasons while you were under contract with FC Kluvberg. Do you feel like that gives you any advantage, going into the final?” another reporter calls out.

“I think that Germany will be a tough opponent, and we’ll be prepared for a challenging match.”

“Not only are you facing off against a former coach tomorrow, but you’ll also be playing against your brother-in-law. How have you handled that dynamic?”

I exhale. I knew I’d get these questions once our opponent in the final was determined, but having to answer them is still irritating. “I’ll be shooting to win, same as I would no matter whom I was playing against. Knowing Beck, I’m sure he’s doing the same.”

“Do you have any insights into the rumors that Adler Beck will be retiring soon and this will be his last international tournament?”

“No, I don’t. I think that German football will suffer a huge loss whenever Adler Beck steps off the field for the final time and that whether he retires in a year or ten, his place in the history books was cemented a long time ago.”

“You’re married to Beck’s younger sister, Sophia.”

I wait, but there’s no question that follows. “Yes, I’m aware of who my wife is.”

Ripples of laughter work through the crowd of reporters.

“Will beating her brother and her home country land you in hot water with your wife?”

“All’s fair in love and football,” I respond, drawing more laughter from the crowd. “As captain, my role is to lead a very talented team of Americans toward what we all hope is a victory. If we are the ones lifting the trophy tomorrow, it will have been from a group effort.”

I answer a few more questions, and then my time with the media is thankfully up. At least no one brought up Seattle or Cassandra Owens. If anyone had asked me years ago, I’d say that was a cloud I’d never shake. But all people want to ask me now is about my connection to Germany’s famous family and about football, which is fine with me.

I’m done for the day, so I grab my stuff and head out into the lobby. Sophia is waiting, talking on the phone. She says something and then hangs up when she sees me approaching.

“Nice jersey,” I tell her.

“Nothing else fits,” Sophia hisses. “I mean, it fits, but it shows…stuff.”

I smirk, briefly covering the small bump of her belly with my hands before I lean down to kiss her. She leans into my touch.

“We need to start telling people,” she mumbles into my neck. “Saylor’s getting suspicious. And the only thing worse than throwing up three times a day and not being able to drink spritzes is having to hide that you’re vomiting and pouring drinks into plants.”

“What about tonight?” I ask. “Your family is here. My mom is here. We can call Tripp to tell him.”

“It’s the final tomorrow.”


“So, you and Adler should be focused on football.”

I snort. “I’m focused. So is he. But some things are more important.”

“They are, huh?”

I kiss her again. “You know they are. Come on.”
