Page 62 of All The Wrong Plays

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“Will Aster.” I shake it, then offer my palm to Mrs. Beck as well. I have no clue if that’s the proper greeting or not.

She takes it. “Erika.”

“Nice to meet you both.” I glance at Beck. “You didn’t mention your parents would be here. Real family affair, huh?”

Before he can reply, a woman’s voice calls my name.


I turn to see that a blonde woman who must be Saylor Scott has entered the room. And she might be the first person who’s looked genuinely thrilled to meet me since I arrived in Germany.

She’s smiling widely, her golden hair as bright as the sunny presence she brings along. She holds out a hand, which I shake. “It’s so nice to meet you.”

I grin at her enthusiasm. She has a slight Southern accent that’s a welcome change to hear. I wonder how much German she knows. Maybe she can recommend a tutor to me.

“Nice to meet you too. Heard a lot.”

“Bad things?” She smirks, and I relax even more. I knew I’d like her.

“Nah. Good buddy of mine went to Lancaster. Kyle Andrews.”

Saylor’s eyes widen. “No way. You know Kyle?”

“Yeah, he grew up a few streets over from me in Dorchester. Couple of years older, so we were never that tight, but it was a close-knit neighborhood.”

“That’s crazy. I haven’t talked to Kyle since graduation but?—”

The doorbell rings.

“I guess I’ll get it,” Beck says when Saylor doesn’t move.

She glances at him and grins, holding her hands out for their baby. Beck smiles back, his expression happy for the first time since I’ve met the guy. No scowl in sight. Having met Saylor, I have no idea how they ended up together. But I know asking won’t win me any brownie points with my captain, so I keep my mouth shut.

The baby starts crying when Beck leaves the room. Saylor bounces and shushes he or she—I’m guessing she because her pants are pink—until the baby settles.

“Sorry about that,” Saylor says. “We should be good for at least fifteen minutes. Where did you go to college? Not Lancaster, right?”

“No. I went to…” My voice trails as I register a familiar female one.

A few seconds later, Sophia appears in the doorway. She smiles when she sees her parents. Stills when she spots me.

Based on her expression, Sophia is as stunned to see me as I’m surprised to see her. Beck invited his entire family tonight, I guess. Plus me. And plus…

My surprise curdles into annoyance when I spot the guy standing behind Sophia.

She brought a fucking date.

Last weekend, she was naked on my couch, and this weekend, she’s bringing some guy to meet her family.

It stings.

I stare at her, working hard to hide my annoyance, and she stares back. Her face has smoothed, her expression as carefully blank as I’m hoping mine is.

Her mom stands to give Sophia a hug, which jolts her into movement. She kisses her dad’s cheek. Hugs Saylor as well.

Then…she’s standing right in front of me.

I hold out a hand, greeting her the same way I did the rest of her family. I’m certain she doesn’t want them knowing we’re acquainted, and that’s in my best interest as well. “Will Aster.”

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