Page 82 of All The Wrong Plays

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She’s not a virgin, is my first thought. But why would she lie about that?

“I wasn’t waiting for it to be special or to make sure I didn’t regret it. I had a…bad experience.”

Fury ripples through my body, locking my muscles into place. “What kind of bad experience?”

My tone is calm, but I’m not. I’ll kill him.

“I should have known better. He was jealous of Adler. I should have known what it was really about.”

“What happened?” By some miracle, my voice comes out a hell of a lot calmer than I am. I want her to confide in me, and freaking out and demanding an address for this asshole won’t reassure her I’m worth confiding in.

“It was years ago, back when I was still in secondary school. He was older, at the academy.”

The academy. Meaning he played football. Meaning he was good.

“We talked—flirted—for weeks. I snuck into his room the night we were going to…I was early, so I snooped around. Found the camera he’d set up and figured he’d planned to…well, you get the idea.”

Yeah. I do.

“Tell me Beck beat his ass.”

“Adler doesn’t know. I never told him, never told anyone. I was…embarrassed, I guess. I knew Ansel had a reputation with girls. Knew he was jealous of my family. And the worst part was…none of it was about me. It wasn’t a bet with his friends to prove he could get me in bed. It was about Adler. About football. That’s why he wanted to sleep with me. To win.”

Ansel. I memorize his name.

He’s not on Kluvberg.

Does he play for another team? I want to ask, but I’m not sure I should. This is about her, not him.

“You have no reason to be embarrassed, Sophia. He should be.”

“I should have known better.”

“You were set up.”

“So were you.”

I still, surprised she’s bringing Cassandra up. “That was different. I put myself in a bad situation. I was out partying. And I thought of myself as invincible. I was so arrogant; it never occurred to me there would be consequences, even after I found out who she was.”

“She chose not to tell you who she was. She chose to lie about what happened.”

Since the scandal that sent me here happened, I’ve been privy to lots of reactions. Social media’s commentary was mostly disgusted and judgmental. My former teammates shunned me. Shawn was furious; Tripp was worried. My mom and I never discussed it, just like we avoid talking about most things.

Not one person defended me, like Sophia did just now.

I roll so I’m hovering above her, then kiss her.

She reacts instantly, winding her arms around my neck and pushing her fingers into my hair.

I slide a hand down her side and between her legs, finding her cunt by feel. I push one finger into her tight heat, feeling her breathing stutter against my chest as she reacts to my touch. Her legs spread, allowing me better access. I’ve never had this with anyone before. Talking and touching in the middle of the night, while the rest of the world is asleep.

I love seeing her like this, lying in bed beneath me, so responsive. Trust shines bright in her blue eyes as a pink flush steals across her face. Her lips part as her pussy pulses around my moving fingers.

She’s perfect, and I’m terrified I’ll ruin her. I’ve never had anyone rely on me before. My longest, most serious relationship has always been with soccer, and it’s one-sided. The game can’t love you back, and I’ve never needed it to.

“More,” Sophia begs, arching into my touch.

I struggle to fit a second finger, and, fuck, is it a snug fit. She’s still swollen from earlier.

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