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“I’ve been trying something new. Fuck, I’ve missed you. About time you came back home and got my brother laid.”

“Bells...” Cory’s face was red, but his happy smile stayed firmly in place. I knew how much he missed his sister.

“I’m so happy to be home. Goddess, you look amazing! Weren’t you coming next week?” I asked looking from her to Cory, who shrugged.

“I thought I’d surprise everyone and came a bit early.”

“Ugh, I’m so glad to see you,” I said again, pulling her into another fierce hug. As soon as I backed up, I grabbed her hand and yanked on her arm, making her follow me. “You have to meet my best friend. We’re all going out tonight and you have to come with us!”

I introduced Zi to Bells, and realized what a big mistake it was when they started talking and pointed out how obvious it was to everyone that Cory and I were mates. It fucking wasn’t to me, but I was happy to have my two closest female friends getting along. Bells was even happier to learn Zi was mated to James, something I guess Cory had forgotten to mention, and started offering all kinds of stories about James that had Zi in stitches. Some of these stories I didn’t know myself, and it made me a little sad that I had missed so many clearly amazing moments with them.

Instead of letting myself go down a sad road, I walked to Cory, who was still smiling at the door to Zi’s workroom, and wrapped my arms around him.

“Pretty happy right now?” I asked quietly, letting Zi and Bells continue getting to know each other.

“I missed her a lot,” he said, a bit of emotion on his face. “She hadn’t been able to make it out here in almost a year.”

“Do you want me to reschedule girls’ night?”

“No. She’s here until the luna ceremony. I have time to catch up with her.”

“Evie, I gave Cory a task the night of the full moon. Tell me he delivered,” Bells called over with a mischievous grin on her face.

“Bells, it’s been a week. I don’t perform miracles,” Cory groaned, blushing again.

“What did you ask him to do?” I asked, confused.

“I wanted my niece or nephew in your belly,” Bells answered, making me blush as red as Cory, and Zi laugh her ass off her seat.

“Fuck, you’re lucky I missed you,” I sneered as I shook my head.

“I’m going to get her out of here before she causes more damage. Mom’s expecting both of you for lunch at the private dining room in the pack house. She said attendance wasn’t optional. Areli will be here tomorrow, so we’re going to have a big dinner with the whole family. It’s the first time all the cousins will be together so make sure you pick up change on your way to the bar,” Cory called out as he bullied his sister out of Zi’s workroom and toward the elevator.

“I still can’t believe you’re straightening your hair,” I brushed my hair through her silky locks for a moment, a few hours and about fifteen shots later at the bar.

“You don’t like it?” A bit of uncertainty showed on Bells’ face.

“Are you kidding? Bells, you look amazing! I just can’t believe you got rid of your curls. I used to be so envious of them.”

“They got frizzy though,” Bells giggled. She’s had a Delphin Brew on top of her shots while I’ve just stuck to normal alcohol. “Plus Brandon likes straight hair more.” She shrugged. “A girl’s gotta do what a girl’s gotta do.” She took a giant swig of her beer before she turned to Zi. “Enough about my boring love life, though. What’s wrong with James?”

Zi blushed, but sighed and shook her head. “Nothing. That’s the problem.”

“That doesn’t make sense.” Bells giggled at her words.

“James is sweet and caring and goofy. He’s so patient with me every time I freak out...”

“I don’t see what the problem is,” Bells pointed out.

“Yeah, I have to agree. What’s wrong with that?” Meli asked.

“You’re waiting on the other shoe to drop,” I answered for her. Her eyes watered, and she nodded.

“What shoe?” Meli asked.

Zi spent the next twenty minutes recounting the hell she lived through because of that asshole who tried to destroy her life. Bells, who was on her third Delphin Brew by then, stood up, stating she would find him and kill him, making the guards stand, looking for the danger. Zi had to calm her down, grinning at me over Bells’ head when she hugged her tight.

“But James isn’t like that. He’s like a teddy bear. A smartass teddy bear maybe, but a teddy bear. He’s like another brother to me. You have to believe he would never hurt you,” Bells continued the conversation twenty minutes later after she drank a few glasses of water because I cut her off.
