Page 25 of Dragon Rogue

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Marli, Kymri, and Elora were warned against venturing out alone until things were settled.

While she’d enjoyed the sparring session with Jori and desperately needed the physical release, she’d been on edge, and questioned the sanity of their actions.

It had been his idea, and it was nearly impossible to resist the spark in his eyes at the potential mischief.

Eamerson had loaned her his sweats and off they’d gone.

She hadn’t had that much fun in a long time and it felt good to blow off the stress of the past weeks.

What she hadn’t expected was Sten’s lecture on the dangers of going around the mountain without him during the elevator ride up.

She glanced at him again as they waited for the steel doors to slide open.

They stepped into the elevator. She pushed the button to the floor they needed.

The library doesn’t count as ‘going out alone’, does it?

His head turned slightly as he looked down at her from the corner of his eye.

Heat emitted from his body as he stood next to her, rippling along her arm.

She no longer reacted to him as an enemy, but she hadn’t let her guard down, either.

Her inner dragon was drawn to him more and more.

They stood inches apart in the center of the steel box.

Not just my dragon.

She was surprised to find that she not only tolerated his presence, but actually enjoyed it. Every time they were in the same room, she found herself looking for him.

And when she did, he was often already looking at her, or if he wasn’t, he quickly met her gaze.

Her nostrils flared, taking in his scent. A scent that she recognized immediately, and lately noticed that she inhaled a little deeper when he was around.

She watched him move—at first, to keep an eye on where he was at all times. Now? Because she savored the sight of him as he moved around the room. Bunched muscle, ready to pounce, like any hunter or warrior. The way they countered each other in a room reminded her of a dance.

Watchful, dangerous, graceful, sensual.

By the time the elevator doors opened, her heart beat a little faster.

He followed her out.

Her senses homed in on him, fully aware of where he was.

At the grand oak library door, he reached forward to open it for her.

“It shouldn’t take long to find.” His deep voice rolled through her, sounding husky.

She met his eyes.

Does he feel it too?

“You seem to really like this place. Shall I take my time locating the book?” His eyebrow flicked roguishly as a smile tugged at his lips.

Her gaze lingered on his mouth, then swept the vast library. “I’d be happy to let you take all the time you need, but Odson seemed anxious.”

The librarian wasn’t at his desk.
