Page 9 of Dragon Rogue

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“Are you sure bringing in more outsiders at this time is wise?” They continued walking along the corridors at a brisk pace toward the elevator that led up to the king’s suites.

“Absolutely. These are people I trust implicitly.” They entered the elevator and Jori punched the button for the top floor.

“There are a lot of trustworthy males right here that are dedicated to your right to lead…”

Jori looked at him, his expression unreadable. “I hear you.”

Sten rubbed his temple. “Can I make a suggestion?”


“King Kargassa’s body is still in the morgue. Have a ritual death ceremony that is proper for his status, and it will provide some closure for those males that believed in him.”

“And give a sense of transition.”

Sten nodded. “It will show them that you’re not a complete outsider yourself. That you’ll honor the dragon ways of doing things. He ruled a very long time, Jori, and many of us have been with him since our youth.”

The doors opened; Jori led the way to the new council room.

Council room.

Things were changing. Fast.

Maybe too fast.

A familiar scent enticed his nose as he entered the vast room. His gaze swept the occupants, quickly returning to one face in particular.

His pulse accelerated as his nostrils flared.


The mists dissipated beyond the window, allowing the sun to suddenly stream through. The light caught in her caramel colored eyes, making them glow like warmed amber in her lovely face, surrounded by wild dark hair.

Their dragon scents became muted in human form. But hers was distinct and lovely, and invited him closer.

He strode toward her. “I remember you.”

On seeing him, her gaze swept the length of him before resting on his face. Her perfect brows furrowed, and her chin lifted. Her lovely, full lips tightened.

This was the first time he’d been able to get a really good look at her and she was breath-taking.

Their two previous meetings had not been optimal to assess her. He’d been pursuing her in dragon form on the first occasion. And what a chase that had been! Nimble in flight, cunning in evading him. On the second occasion, it was dark, and his focus had been on keeping Odson distracted from his crew’s mission to abduct Jori.

Since the mission had successfully fulfilled his orders, he understood why her expression was less than welcoming now.

He had lost himself in the beauty of her face when she suddenly pounced on him, snarling, with her claws pricking his throat.

He blinked.

Blood pounded through him, gathering below his hips.

Oh, how fierce this little bit—dragoness was!


Aeleftherian dragoness.

He grinned up at her.
