Page 19 of Pretty Dependable

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“No, I’ll let them do their thing. They don’t want me hanging around.”

“I beg to differ. They all love you.”

“As their coach. I’m not one of the guys.”

Before I can reconsider, I find myself asking, “Do you want to come over? I’ve got ice cream in the freezer.”

TD flashes me a wide grin. “Pistachio?”

“No. Nuts don’t belong in ice cream, Thomas.” I stick out my tongue in disgust.

“They most certainly do,” he counters. “Even though you don’t have the good stuff, I suppose I could stop by for a bowl.”

Nodding, I take a step back. “I’ll see you soon.”

“I’ll be there.”

Turning, I practically speed-walk toward my car, my heart hammering in my chest with every step I take. TD is coming over. Why that makes me nervous, I’m not sure. He’s been to my apartment a million times over the years. We’ve shared meals and snacks, watched movies, and talked. He’s held me while I cried and laughed with me when I told silly Brody stories.

But for some reason, this feels different.

I don’t know why.

Maybe it’s because the last time he was over, he gave me a back massage and bolted quickly. Of course, he has no clue how he affected me. I had to touch myself in the shower after he left just to be able to relax enough to sleep, and I won’t get into the number of times that’s happened as a result of thinking about my friend.

Tonight will be different.

We’ll share some friendly ice cream, and no one will touch anyone else. Hands will be kept to themselves, because that’s what friends do.

They keep their hands to themselves and don’t picture the other naked.

Okay, lies.

I totally do that.

A lot.

Chapter Six


This is a bad idea.

Even though I’ve told myself that a dozen times in the last thirty minutes, I’m still outside her apartment and opening the door. My feet carry me up the stairs to the top, where I knock on the upper door. I don’t know why I’m nervous. Maybe because the last time I was here, I had my hands all over her shoulders and back and got so fucking turned on, I had to go home and jack off just to find relief. And even then, I slept like shit that night and had to do it all over again the next morning.

Before I can turn around and leave, the door opens and Ellie’s standing in front of me with a warm smile on her face. That familiar accelerated heartbeat thing happens in my chest, like it does most times I see her smile. I don’t know what it is about it, but everything just seems right in the world when she grins.

“Hey,” she greets, stepping back to allow me to enter.

“Hi. Thanks for inviting me.” I tower over her tiny frame as I pass by and have a seat in the kitchen. It seems less intimate than the living room, which is what I need. If we move into the living room, I’m gonna struggle keeping my hands to myself, and that’s the last thing I need. No way do I want to make her uncomfortable because I’m lusting after her, my hands itching to touch her soft skin.

“Pick your poison. Cherry Jubilee or Cookies and Cream,” she says, moving to the refrigerator freezer and glancing inside.

“Cookies and Cream, for sure, since you don’t have the good stuff,” I tease.

She narrows her eyes at me over her shoulder as she retrieves the frozen treat from the freezer and sets it on the counter. I’m up, knowing how much she grumbles when she can’t scoop the hard ice cream out of the container. She takes the metal scoop out of the drawer and hands it over without protest.

“How many scoops do you want?” I ask, digging into the carton.
