Page 20 of Pretty Dependable

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“Get yours first. You’re the guest.”

I just stare at her before plopping the first scoop into the bowl. Then, I add a second and a third. Once it’s filled, I grab a spoon and hand it over. “That’s not mine,” she insists incredulously, staring at the heaping mound of ice cream in front of her.

“It is,” I tell her, scooping the same into the second bowl.

“I can’t eat all of this, TD,” she grumbles, staring down at the sweet treat as if it’s multiplying before her very eyes.

“I have faith in you,” I state, slapping the lid back on the carton and putting it in the freezer.

We finally take a seat across from each other at the table. “You’re going to eat what I don’t.”

“Done,” I tell her before diving into my bowl.

“So tell me what’s new with you,” she instructs, taking much smaller bites than me.

“Loree and her crew are coming home for a visit in two weeks.”

Her eyes light up. “Really? How exciting. When do they arrive?”

“Friday before Labor Day. They’ll stay at Logan’s cabin through Monday and fly back home. It’ll be a short visit, but I’m glad they’re comin’. I know she likes to go to Florida and visit Mom and Dad as often as possible, so I’m happy they’re able to squeeze in a trip here.”

“How are your parents?” she asks, concern filling her gentle green eyes.

“They’re good. They leave soon for their Alaska vacation they’ve been saving for, which I’m sure is why Loree and her family are coming here instead of going to Florida.”

“That’s so cool they can take that trip. It feels like they’ve been saving for years,” Ellie says, a dreamy look on her face.

“They have, and me too. I’m happy they’re going. Between the airfare, six-day cruise, and then the week at an inclusive resort in Kenai, this trip is pretty salty, but it’s been on their bucket list for a long time. I’m happy they’re finally doing it.”

Honestly, they’ve saved for years to be able to afford this experience. The two-week trip is over fifteen thousand dollars, but they consider it a once in a lifetime opportunity, and my sister and I agree. Dad will get to fish and Mom will enjoy a breathtaking view while catching up on her reading and knitting. I hope to be able to take vacations like this when I’m retired someday, even if it costs a small fortune to do it.

You only live once.

“I’m gonna help Logan make sure the cabin is ready to go next weekend. He says there were a few boards on the porch that needs replacing, as well as some critters that have been getting into the attic. He wants to make sure there’s nothing living up there since the last time he did some repairs.”

She pulls a face, wrinkling up her nose. “Critters?”

I shrug, scooping up another mouthful of ice cream. “Squirrels mostly. I think he had a few birds once.”

She shudders. “Yuck.”

“Happens, especially in the middle of the woods like that, surrounded by wildlife and water. Plus, the cabin isn’t used nearly as often as it used to be, so with less human foot traffic, it’s more likely that critters make themselves at home from time to time.”

Ellie just stares at me with a blank look on her face. “I don’t think I could ever go camping. I’m not a fan of bugs, let alone critters.”

“It’s not so bad, El. I think you’d enjoy it. Just make sure you have bug spray,” I state, recalling how much my friend hates bugs, especially flying insects.

“I’ll just stay here,” she mutters.

We’re both quiet for a while, enjoying our treat and lost in thought. I can’t help but steal a few glances at her. She’s always been the most beautiful woman I’ve ever known, and not just on the outside. Her heart is pure gold, and she’d do anything for anyone in need. I’m certain a big part of that is because of what happened to her as a teenager. She will forever be grateful to those who helped her during her time of need, especially after Brody was born soon after graduating high school.

“If you could go anywhere for vacation, where would you go?” she asks, breaking the silence.

I shift in my seat and give her my full attention. “That’s a hard one, really. I’m a pretty simple man, so I prefer mountains and cabins, fishing and hunting, as opposed to beaches and fancy resorts. I might pick the Alaskan thing, like my parents are doing, but a simple cabin in Tennessee might be pretty awesome too. I always thought I’d like to go east to Maine for a trip or even to the Badlands in South Dakota. Would I turn down a trip to Hawaii or some fancy island? Probably not, but it wouldn’t be my first choice.”

She considers my comments and slowly nods in understanding.

“Where would you go if you could go anywhere in the world?” I find myself asking.
